Muhammad Muhsin Khan

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Muhammad Muhsin Khan (Arabic/Pashto & Urdū: محمد محسن خان; born 1927) is a contemporary Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamaa'h Islamic scholar of Afghan Origin, most notable for his renowned English translations of Sahih Bukhari and the Qur'an, entitled The Noble Qur'an.


[edit] Biography

Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, son of Muhi-ud-Din bin Ahmad Al-Essa Al-Khoashki Al-Jamandi Al-Afghani, was born in the year 1927, in Kasur, a city of the Punjab Province in British India (now Pakistan). His grandfathers emigrated from Afghanistan escaping from the wars and tribal strifes. Dr Muhsin Khan belongs to the famous Afghan tribe Al-Khoashki Al-Jamandi. The residence of his tribe was the valley of Arghistan, southeast of Kandahar City in Afghanistan. He had most of his education in that city.

Afterwards, he continued his study and attained a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Punjab in Lahore, where he worked in the University Hospital. He later traveled to the United Kingdom and stayed there for roughly four years during which he earned a Diploma of Chest Diseases from the University of Wales.

Eventually, he worked in the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia, during the period of the late King 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Saud. He stayed in the Ministry of Health for about fifteen years mostly working in the city of Ta'if. While there, he worked as the Director of El-Sadad Hospital for Chest Diseases. He later moved to Medina, where he worked as a chief of the Department of Chest Diseases in the King's Hospital. Lastly, he worked as the Director of the Islamic University Clinic in Medina.[1]

[edit] Works

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Muhammad M. Khan & Muhammad T. Al-Hilali, Biography of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. The Noble Quran, Dar-us-Salam Publications; 1 edition (March 1, 1999).ISBN 9960-740-79-X
  2. ^ [1],
  3. ^ Understanding Ramadan

[edit] External links