Muhammad's letters to the Heads-of-State

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This is a sub-article to Muhammad in Medina.

After the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Muhammad decided to send letters to many rulers of the world, inviting them to Islam [1] [2][3]

[edit] Overview

Hence he sent messengers (with letters) to Heraclius of the Byzantine Empire (The eastern Roman Empire), Chosroes of Persia, the chief of Yeman and to some others. [1] [2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Lings, Martin (1994). Muhammad: His Life based on the earliest sources. Suhail Academy Lahore, 260. 
  2. ^ a b Khan, Dr. Majid Ali (1998). Muhammad The Final Messenger. Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 110002 (India), 250-251. ISBN 81-85738-25-4. 
  3. ^ Haykal, Muhammad Husayn (1993). The Life of Muhammad (Translated from the 8th Edition By Ism'il Ragi A. Al Faruqi). Islami Book Trust, Kula Lumpur, 360.