Mrs. Mills Solves all Your Problems

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Mrs Mills solves all your problems is a popular, satirical and fictional agony aunt column in the Sunday Times Style magazine, in which readers write or email Mrs Mills and she replies with exceptionally bad advice. Examples include -"get a new best friend"- or "she is obviously sleeping with your husband"-,for the sake of humor. She is currently depicted as a stylish, brunette, forty-something year old woman but was previously drawn as an older, more prudish woman. She has been published for five years and receives many pleas for advice each week.


[edit] writing style

As she is just played for laughs, she could be described as a comedian,and her advice is obviously not to be taken seriously, as doing so could result in one losing one's family, friends, job or lover. For example, a young woman who wrote to her was worried that her boyfriend's new smart, funny, attractive flatmate may tempt him, and hoped Mrs Mills would reassure her. Mrs Mills replied "Your worries are justified - they are obviously sleeping together". She has been described by one of her clients as "the most un-empathetic,cold hearted person I have ever encountered."

[edit] Origin

She is an obvious parody of the stereotypical agony aunt.

Suspicion abounds that she is written by The Times columnist, AA Gill.

[edit] Further publications

A book has been released by the Sunday Times of her most notable responses, and is available from their website.

[edit] References

Sunday Timeslink title style magazine,sunday times web site