
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello. I'm Josh, obviously, and this is my Wikipedia user page. Sorry but there's not much to tell you about at the moment. I'm a first year law student with a Bachelor's degree in Writing so I should be qualified enough to contribute, assuming I have time to with law school and all. I make more edits over on with the same username so if you like what I write, check out my stuff over there. I warn you though, I mostly just touch up other people's work (again- time). Besides, I worked in my university's writing center the past three years helping correct and improve papers so I do it pretty quickly and without a ton of effort, lol. I spend my free time enjoying movies, comic books, roleplaying games, video games, and the like. In other words, those are probably the topics I'm most likely to write about. Well, talk to you later.
