User:Mr. Zabriskie

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Jonathan Zabriskie (known to all as Mr. Zabriskie or simply Mr. Z) is a great man. He is admired by all who meet him and he cares about what things are important. He was born in a galaxy far, far away from earth, and travelled here using a time and relative dimensions in space machine (TARDIS). He is known throughout the galaxy as the savior of all peril.

1.1 Introduction 1.2 4th Period Advanced Algebra 1.3 The Religion 1.4 His Reign of Ultimate Power

1.1 Introduction

Whenever a teacher needs to relax and be ensured that their students are in the right hands, they call upon Mr. Zabriskie, and he arrives, when required in his time machine. He has aided and abetted teachers and students alike, by teaching them the way of the "Z." He has enhanced the minds of so many, and is still appreciated by so few. This MUST change...soon all teachers among this galaxy and the next will call upon Mr. Zabriskie to teach them the path to enlightenment (see 1.3 The Religion).

1.2 4th Period Advanced Algebra

The most respective class of the teachings of Mr. Zabriskie is a certain 4th period advanced algebra class at Inglewood Junior High School in Sammamish, Washington. The students of this class had the privilege to experience the teachings of Mr. Zabriskie for a period of almost an entire month. "The test results shot up greatly since the previous exam. I am so ecstatic that I called upon Mr. Z for his teachings. I too have been enlightened just as my students by this wonderful man." said Mr. Erik Hanson the regular teacher of the math class, "I will call on him again every time I need assistance now I know how amazzzzzzing he is." This class has benefitted greatly from Mr. Zabriskie, and none of these students will ever forget the way of the "Z."

1.3 The Religion

Mr. Zabriskie goes throughout the land teaching people the way of the "Z" and the path to full enlightenment. The way of the "Z" is a tradition passed down through the Zabriskie line since the beginning of time itself, and it will carry on through all of his pupils and his countless children he has taught it to. The way of the "Z" teaches you moral righteousness as well as common sense and self respect as well as respect for all others around you. "Hopefully my teachings will spread throughout the world and soon my religion will become the greatest in this galaxy," said Mr. Zabriskie himself after eating out at the Sammamish McDonalds.

1.4 His Reign of Ultimate Power

Mr. Zabriskie has taught his teachings throughout this galaxy, and has amassed many devout followers who know what is right and what is wrong. "Mr. Zabriskie is the greatest teacher I have ever had," said anonymous from Inglewood Junior High's 4th period advanced algebra class. All who have had the privilege to hear his teachings would attest to this motion. Soon Mr. Zabriskie will be known worldwide and everyone will follow the way of the "Z."