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MPL may refer to:


[edit] Astronomy and science

[edit] Computing

  • Messenger Plus! Live - a freeware add-on for Windows Live Messenger
  • Mozilla Public License
  • Boost Metaprogramming Library
  • MicroProgramming Language[1]. 1971: "The first high level microprogramming language". Syntax similar to PL/I. For vertical machines.
  • Midi Programming Language - MPL is a tool to make changes to MIDI files in batch and real time.
  • Maruti Programming Language[2], syntax based in the C programming language. Developed for the Maruti [real-time] [operating system].
  • .mpl - a file extension used to indicate an Embperl module.
  • An early possible name for PL/I - [Sammet 1969, p.542].
  • Microsoft Permissive License

[edit] Economy

[edit] Libraries

[edit] Literature

  • MPL (subtitle format)

[edit] Transportation