
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Summary

The first two measures of Mozart Sonata XI, K331.

Created in GNU Lilypond using following source code:

\version "2.8.6"
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
mpdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0)
       #:line(#:dynamic "mp" #:text #:italic "dolce" )))
     tempoMark = #(define-music-function (parser location markp) (string?)
       \once \override Score . RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
       \once \override Score . RehearsalMark #'no-spacing-rods = ##t
       \mark \markup { \bold $markp }

\new PianoStaff <<
       \new Staff \relative { \time 6/8 \key a \major
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #1.7
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2
cis'8.-2\p\<(^\markup {
       Andante grazioso. (
       \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"8" #1
       \smaller 120
       ) }
d16) cis8-.\! 
e4-_-4(\> e8-.)\!-3
b8.(-2 cis16)\< b8-.\! d4-_(\>-4 d8-.)-3\!
       \new Staff  \relative { \clef bass \time 6/8 \key a \major
<< { e4 e8 e4 e8 
e4 e8 e4 e8} \\
        { a,8.-4( b16) a8 
\once \override Slur #'extra-offset = #'(-0.0 . -1.0)
gis8.(-4 a16) gis8-. 
\once \override Slur #'extra-offset = #'(-0.0 . -1.0)
b8-.) } >> }

Edited in GIMP

Created by me, Sbrools (talk . contribs)

[edit] Licensing

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current20:21, 22 October 2007500×250 (7 KB)McLoaf (Talk | contribs)
00:58, 25 January 2007500×250 (15 KB)Sbrools (Talk | contribs) (The first two measures of Mozart Sonata IX, K331. Created in GNU Lilypond using following source code: <pre> \version "2.8.6" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } mpdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0) #:line(#:dyn)

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