Moycarkey-Borris GAA

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Magh Coirce-Buirgheas
County: Tipperary
Club colours: Red and Gold
Grounds: Littleton
Team colours Team colours Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Standard colours

Moycarkey-Borris GAA club is located in the town of Littleton but also takes in areas such as Two-Mile-Borris and Horse and Jockey in Mid Tipperary.


[edit] Honours

Hurling Roll of Honour

(Captain's names in Brackets)

Munster Senior - Moycarkey-Borris 1982 (Jack Bergin)

County Senior - (14) Moycarkey 1889 (Tom O'Grady), Horse & Jockey 1899 (Tim Condon), Two-Mile Borris 1900 (Ned Hayes), 1903 (Ned Hayes), 1905 (Ned Hayes), Ballytarsna 1901, Moycarkey-Borris 1926 (John Joe Hayes), 1932 (Phil Purcell), 1933 (Phil Purcell), 1934 (Phil Purcell), 1937 (Paddy Ryan "Sweeper"), 1940 (Tom Kennedy), 1982 (Jack Bergin), 1984 (Jack Bergin).

County Intermediate - Moycarkey-Borris 1985 (John Hackett)

County Junior - Moycarkey-Borris 1954

County Under-21 B - (1) Moycarkey-Borris 1999 (Micheal Hassett)

County Minor "A" - (4) Moycarkey-Borris 1968, 1972 (Michael Clohessy), 1983 (Michael McKenna), 2003 (David Sheppard)

County Minor "B" - (1) Moycarkey-Borris 2007 (James Doran)

Mid Senior - (19) Two-Mile-Borris 1910 (Ned Hayes), Moycarkey-Thurles 1920, Moycarkey-Borris 1922, 1923, 1924, 1926 (John Joe Hayes), 1930, 1931, 1932 (Phil Purcell), 1933 (Phil Purcell), 1934 (Phil Purcell), 1937 (Paddy Ryan "Sweeper"), 1940 (Tom Kennedy), 1943 (Johnny Ryan), 1965, 1967, 1971 (Mick Lonergan), 1981 (Jack Bergin), 1982 (Jack Bergin)

Mid Intermediate - (3) Moycarkey-Borris 1985 (John Hackett), 2005 (Pat Carey), 2007 (Robert Doran)

Mid No.1 Junior - (9) Horse & Jockey/Two-Mile-Borris 1909 (Jim Skehan), Horse & Jockey 1912, Moycarkey 1918, Moycarkey-Borris 1943, 1945, 1946, 1952, 1954, 1960

Mid Junior (2) - 1982, 1990 (Martin Cooney)

Mid No.2 Junior - (9) Two-Mile-Borris 1936, 1940, 1957 (John Ryan), Graigue 1939, Littleton 1941, Horse & Jockey 1942, Moycarkey 1951, Moycarkey-Borris 1978, 1982

Mid Junior B (1) - 1987

Mid U-21 - (5) 1962, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1985

Mid U-21 B - (1) 1999 (Micheal Hassett)

Mid Minor - (10) 1968, 1969, 1972 (Michael Clohessy), 1976, 1981, 1982, 1983 (Michael McKenna), 1986 (Andrew Bourke), 2003 (David Sheppard), 2005 (Brian Moran)

Mid Minor "B" (1) - 1998, 2007 (James Doran)

[edit] History

The Formation of the Moycarkey Borris GAA Club

In the second last decade of the Nineteenth Century, the political situation in County Tipperary was complicated. The Irish Republican Brotherhood was an oath-bound secret society. Michael Davitt's Land League was in being. There was also an organisation called The Irish National League, and in case that women might feel left out, Charles Stewart Parnell's sister, Fanny, had formed a women's land league.

The Irish National league was largely sponsored and supported by the clergy and at the time in question, this league supported Parnell in his parliamentary endeavours, although a few years later, they were to turn against him.

On Sunday, 25th October, 1884, a meeting of the Moycarkey branch of the Irish National League was held in their committee rooms in Moycarkey, Rev. D. M. English was in the chair. Very Rev. John Bourke, who was the branch treasurer, and a full committee was present.

The following resolution was passed unanimously: That, in order to join with the majority of our countymen, in restoring of our own national pastimes, we call on the young men of this parish to form a branch of the Gaelic Athletic Association on Sunday, 1st of November at 3 o'clock p.m.

And so, at the same venue, on Sunday, November 1st, exactly one year after the foundation of the G.A.A. in Thurles, a meeting of the young men of the parish was held for the purpose of forming a branch of the G.A.A.

The following gentlemen were unanimously elected: Rev. J. Murphy, C.C., President; Mr. William Fogarty, Vice-President; Mr.John Molumby, Hon. Secretary; Committee: Messrs. Thomas O'Grady, John O'Brien, Patrick Molloy, James O'Grady (Graigue), Michael Shanahan, James Cahill and Daniel Wilson.

The following resolutions were passed with acclamation: "That we tender our sincere gratitude to our patriotic Archbishop, the Most Rev. Dr. Croke, Charles Stewart Parnell M.P. and Michael Davitt in patronising the ancient and historic pastimes of our people, some of whose only enjoyment was an everlasting round of labour".

"That we hail with delight the revival of our ancient games. Although we have suffered from emigration and oppression in this parish, yet Moycarkey can boast that they have never given up the ancient game of hurling".

Mr John O'Brien proposed Mr Thomas O'Grady as captain of the club.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] External links