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A mouthguard is protective wear that fits into the mouth and covers the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injury to the teeth, arches, lips and gums. They are most commonly used by participants in contact sports.

Mouthguards (also known as "mouth protectors", "mouth pieces", or "gumshields"), are used in sports where deliberate or accidental impacts to the face and jaw may cause harm. Such impacts may occur in many sports including: martial arts, rugby, wrestling, soccer, American football, lacrosse, basketball, figure skating, hockey and boxing.

As well as gum and tooth protection, they may also prevent or reduce harm levels of concussion in the event of a blow to the jaw.[1][2]


[edit] History

An early mouthguard was developed in 1890 by Woolf Krause, a London dentist to protect boxers from lip cuts and lacerations. The modern mouthguard design started from the work in the 1970s done by Dr. A. W. S. Wood, a Canadian paediatric dentist who was aiming to reduce and prevent harm injuries to children's teeth in hockey games.[3]

[edit] Types

There are three main types of mouth protectors:

  • Stock or ready made – Manufactured in a pre-formed shape in various sizes but with nearly no adjustment to fit the user's mouth The only adjustment possible is minor trimming with a knife or scissors. Inexpensive.
  • Mouth adapted or boil and bite – A thermo-plastic material manufactured in a pre-formed shape in various sizes that can be adapted to fit more closely to an individual's teeth and gums by heating and moulding such as boiling then placing in the mouth. The latest may give a good/very good fit. Inexpensive.
  • Custom-made – An impression of the users teeth is used by specialist manufacturers to create a best-fit mouth protector. Relatively expensive.

[edit] Compulsory use

In many sports, the rules make their use compulsory,[4] by local state health laws. Schools also often have rules requiring their use.[5]

[edit] Non-sporting medical mouthguards

These may be used as splints to treat temporomandibular joint disorder and bruxism. A thin acrylic mouthguard appliance is often used during tooth bleaching.

[edit] References

[edit] External links