Moustafa Mosharafa

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Ali Moustafa Mosharafa Pasha

Born July 11th, 1898
Damietta, Egypt
Flag of Egypt
Died January 16, 1950
Residence Cairo, Egypt, London, United Kingdom
Nationality Egyptian
Fields Physics
Institutions Cairo University

Ali Moustafa Mosharafa Pasha (July 11, 1898 - January 16, 1950) was an Egyptian physicist who was professor of applied mathematics, the Faculty of Science at Cairo University. He contributed to the development of Relativity theory and corresponded with Albert Einstein.

Einstein said on hearing of his death, "I can not believe that Mosharafa is dead, he is alive through his researches. We are in need of his talents, it is a great loss, he was a genius. I used to follow up his researches in atomic energy, definitely he is one of the best scientists in physics."

[edit] His achievements

-He published a book on the Theory of Relativity, which was translated into English, French and German. It was reprinted in the USA. -He published around 15 scientific books about relativity and mathematics.

[edit] References

  • Bio at Eygptian government site. IDSC