Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook

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Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook (Arabic: موسى محمد ابو مرزوق; born January 9, 1951) is a senior member of the Palestinian organization Hamas. He is believed to have fled from or to Syria in September 2004.[citation needed]

He was born in the Gaza Strip, while it was occupied by Egypt.

Marzook provided substantial funds to the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) in the early 1990s. In 1994, Marzook designated HLF as the primary fund-raising entity for Hamas in the United States.

Marzook founded and funded the Islamic Association of Palestine.[1]

Marzook was listed as a Specially Designated Terrorist by the U.S. Treasury Department in 1995, and as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist with the aliases Dr. Musa Abu-Marzuq; Sa'id Abu-Marzuq; Abu-'Umar; Mousa Mohamed Abou Marzook; Musa Abu Marzouk; Musa Abu Marzuk, Passport 92/664 (Egypt), SSN 523-33-8386 (United States). [2]

In 2002 a federal grand jury in Dallas returned an indictment against a senior leader of Hamas, Marzook, for conspiring to violate U.S. laws that prohibit dealings in terrorist funds. The indictment alleges that Marzook conspired with the Richardson, Texas-based InfoCom Corporation and five of its employees to hide his financial transactions with the computer company. Marzook allegedly invested $250,000 in InfoCom, with Infocom to make payments based on the company's net profit/loss. [3]

[edit] See also