Mount Sims

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Mount Sims is the stage name of Matthew Sims, an L.A.-based DJ performance artist/producer/musician. His work is situated within the field of electronic music, though it shows influences as varied as post punk, new wave, techno and darkwave. Sims is almost exclusively responsible for every aspect of his music, providing the vocals, instrumentation and production.

His first album, "Ultra Sex" (2002 / International DeeJay Gigolo Records) was an instant underground success. It showed his far reaching musical background and talent. Major influences to the work were German and British New Wave bands, funk and electronica. Ultra Sex was a concept album centered, as the title suggests, around the themes of technology and sexuality. It contains the electropop hit "How We Do", as well as what is considered by many to be his most outstanding work to date: the innovative, part-rhythmical, part arrhythmical, challenging, yet catchy "Rational Behaviour"

His second offering "Wild Light" (2005 / International Deejay Gigolo) has seen him move away from the dancefloor-orientated catchiness of his first LP Ultra Sex, and focus on the matters of death and information. The music is more melancholic in expression. Major musical influences are darkwave and post punk styles throughout the album. David J. Bauhaus played bass on some of Wild Light's songs. While moving away from the sound and concept of his first album has secured Mount Sims a place of being recognized as a genuine artist, fans of Ultra Sex have been equally impressed and disappointed by his more difficult second album.

Mount Sims is responsible for Madonna's remixes of her song "Nobody Knows Me", from her 2003 album American Life.

Mount Sims is currently touring with his new band in California, and has recently moved to Berlin.

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