Most Holy Trinity Church, Fulnek

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The miraculous portrait of The Virgin Mary of Fulnek
The miraculous portrait of The Virgin Mary of Fulnek
Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church
North view of the church and rectory
North view of the church and rectory
Denomination Roman Catholic
Diocese Diocese of Ostrava-Opava
Parish Fulnek
Founder(s) Joseph Barwig, CRSA
Architect(s) Nikolaus Thalherr
Contact particulars
Address Kostelní 111
CZ-74245 Fulnek
Country Flag of the Czech Republic Czechia


The Roman Catholic Parish Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Fulnek, Czech Republic, is a landmark in the town of Fulnek. Built in the 18th century, Most Holy Trinity Church is architecturally and culturally significant as one of the most valuable baroque buildings of northeast Moravia. It is situated on the site of the original parish church, one whose existence was documented in the 13th century.[1]

The new church building was constructed in connection with an increasingly popular devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary who is depicted in the local miraculous portrait The Virgin Mary of Fulnek. It is believed that the portrait wept after a prayer at the picture; subsequent prayers led to the occurrence of a number of miraculous cures.[2]

The architect of the church was Nikolaus Thalherr. Its interior was decorated by ceiling frescos by Joseph Ignatz Sadler, and its paintings, by Ignatz Viktorin Raab and Fe­lix Ivo Leicher. Other artists have worked on various features of the church.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Gavendová, Marcela & Koubová, Marta & Levá, Pavla. (1996). Kulturní památky okresu Nový Jičín. Nový Jičín: Okresní úřad; Ostrava: Památkový ústav. ISBN 80-85034-14-X. Pg. 40.
    Kuča, Karel. (1996). Města a městečka v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku. I. díl. Praha: Libri. ISBN 80-85983-13-3. Pg. 857.
  2. ^ Demel, Phillip. (1869). Die Pfarrkirche in Fulnek und das Mariabild am Hochaltar. Fulnek: Verlag des Verfaſſers. Pg. 3–10.
  3. ^ Trapl, Miloš & Kraváček, František. (1993). Komenského Fulnek. Praha: Pressfoto. ISBN 80-7046-085-7. Pg. 38.

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Coordinates: 49°42′42.54″N, 17°54′14.98″E