Morse code mnemonics

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Due to the fact that associating letters and numbers with audible "dits" and "dahs" can be difficult, many people have developed mnemonics to help remember the morse code equivalent of characters.

It is important to note that many different mnemonics can be created for the same subject matter and no one mnemonic is the definitive way to learn morse code.


[edit] Syllabic Mnemonics

[edit] Syllabic Mnemonics based on the NATO phonetic alphabet.

Letter Phonetic Morse Code Mnemonic
A Alpha ·- al-FA
(that's what it says!)
B Bravo -··· YEAH! *clap* *clap* *clap*
C Charlie -·-· CHAR-lie's AN-gels
(1970s TV show)
D Delta -·· NEW or-leans
E Echo · hey!
F Foxtrot ··-· *step**step**BRUSH**step*
(that's how one foxtrots!)
G Golf --· HOLE IN one!
H Hotel ···· ho-li-day-inn
I India ·· bom-bay
J Juliet ·--- where-FORE ART THOU?
K Kilo -·- POUND for POUND
L Lima ·-·· li-MA pe-ru
(Lima is the capital city of Peru.)
(Michael Jordan advertising jingle)
N November AU-tumn
O Oscar --- SUN-NY-DAY
(Sesame Street theme song --as in "Oscar the Grouch")
P Papa ·--· of DOC-TOR good
(from "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves", by Cher.)
Q Quebec --·- A-LOU-et-TUH
(a song sung by French Canadians)
R Romeo ·-· ro-MER-o
"Romeo" in Spanish.
S Sierra ··· ne-va-da
(the Sierra Nevada)
T Tango - *DIP*
(When the boy dips the girl, during a tango, he holds her there for a few seconds.)
U Uniform ··- u-ni-FORM
(that's what it says!)
V Victor ···- *the first 4 notes of Beethoven's 5th*
(The 1st movement is also called the "Ode to Victory")
W Whiskey ·-- jack AND COKE
(Jack Daniel's whiskey, and Coca Cola.)
X X-ray -··- ON-ly the BONES
(that's all which is visible in an x-ray image.)
Y Yankee -·-- ON a PO-NY
(from Yankee Doodle)
Z Zulu --·· SHA-KA zu-lu
(name of famous Zulu king.)
Character Morse Code Syllabic Mnemonic
. ·-·-·- ro-ME-ro POUND for POUND Romero is, Pound for Pound, the best fighter period.
? ··--·· un-i-FORM NEW or-leans After the hurricane, the Uniformed personnel in New Orleans were clueless!
! -·-·-- AU-tumn ON a PO-NY He was astonished to see his daughter, Autumn, riding on a pony at such a young age.
, --··-- HOLE IN one, Jack AND COKE. After hitting a hole in one, the golfer paused for a Jack and Coke, before starting the on the next hole.
@ ·--·-· al-FA CHAR-lie's AN-gels Because Alpha Females don't have time to sit around the office, Charlie's Angels now get their instructions via e-mail.
$ ···-··- ne-va-da ON-ly the BONES After gambling away all his money in Las Vegas, Nevada, he had only the bones left to eat.
= -···- AU-tumn u-ni-FORM There are no formal occasions in Autumn, and wearing white is not authorized after Labor Day, so all Army uniforms are equal.
+ ·-·-· hey! CHAR-lie's AN-gels Call out to Charlie's Angels for help, their assistance is always a plus.
- -····- *DIP* ho-li-day-inn *DIP* After Dipping the room rates at his Holiday Inn once, the hotel owner dipped them again, after finding more ways to subtract overhead costs.
_ ··--·- bom-bay *DIP* POUND for POUND One should pay special attention to the Bombay markets; since dips in quantities there, can affect the worldwide commodities prices, pound for pound.
( -·--· AU-tumn HOLE-IN-one! Autumn opened her golf game with a hole in one...
) -·--·- AU-tumn A-LOU-et-TUH ...and Autumn closed it with a birdie on the 18th hole.

[edit] Other Syllabic Mnemonics

Letter Morse Code Mnemonic
B -··· BE a good boy
C -·-· CO-ca CO-la
D -·· DOG did it
F ··-· get a HAIR-cut
for the FAIR-est
G --. GOO-GOL-plex (a 1 with a googol zeros)
H ···· hitting the hip
J ·--- the-JU-LIE JAY
K -·- KAN-dy KID (candy kid)
L ·-·· to 'ELL with it!
he LOST his lid
M -- Mmmm-mmmm
N NI -gel
Q --·- PAY-DAY to-DAY
HERE COMES the BRIDE (queen)
V ···- Beethoven's FIFTH (V'th)
W ·-- the WORLD WAR
Character Morse Code Syllabic Mnemonic
 : ---··· HA-WA-II stan-dard time The clocks in Hawaii are always on standard time, and don't turn an hour ahead in the summer.
/ -··-· SHAVE and a HAIR-cut The barber slashed the price of a shave and a haircut at his shop.

(NOTE: also Fraction Bar and Division Sign)

" ·-··-· six-TY-six nine-TY-nine Quotation marks resemble a 66 at the beginning of a quote, and a 99 at the end of a quote.
' ·----· and THIS STUFF GOES TO me! An apostrophe may be used to denote ownership of property.
; -·-·-· A-list, B-list, C-list A semicolon may be used to group ordered lists. in the same sentence.

[edit] Visual Mnemonic


[edit] See also