Morrisby Profile

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Morrisby Logo

The Morrisby Profile is an integrated set of twelve paper and pencil tests which assess aptitude and work based personality. The client receives a score which is presented to them as a profile which may be compared against other peers. This, however, is not the main use of the profile, which shows the strengths and weaknesses of the client. This, along with a discussion with a careers advisor, will promote a powerful method into finding a suitable occupation for the applicant.

The assessment, done privately, can cost more than £100. Schools often offer the profile for around £20 - £50.


[edit] Format

The assessment consists of three answer sheets and two answer booklets, together taking over 3 hours to complete. There is a time limit for each section, after which no more details may be entered into that section. The questions are found in reusable books, apart from where answer booklets are used in place.

[edit] General Ability

This is answered into answer sheets 1 and 2.

Abstract Reasoning
This area involves the completion of a chain of beads, found in a pattern, varying in colour, shape and size. After a continuation of the pattern of at least 10 beads, the client is required to mark the following two beads in accordance with the pattern, from a choice of 8 beads.
There are 60 questions given in this section, with a time limit of 30 minutes.
Verbal Part 1
This area involves the client to find two words from a list of 6, that do not fit in with the remaining 4. For example, a client may be given the following words:
Breakfast, hammer, dinner, blue, lunch, tea.
The client must then choose two words which do not fit with the other 4. These are: Hammer and Blue. The rest are all times to have meals.
There are 30 questions in this section, with a time limit of ≈5 minutes.
Verbal Part 2
This area involves the client to find a link between two words, from a pair of words. The client is given a choice of 6 words, split into 2 sections. From this, a pair of words must be formed, with a similar link to that of the given pair.
There are 30 questions in this section, with a time limit of ≈8 minutes.
Numerical Part 1
This area involves the client to complete the sequence of numbers, containing 2 consecutive gap in between. The client has a choice of 3 possible answers for each gap.
There are 32 questions in this section, with a time limit of ?? minutes.
Numerical Part 2
This area involves the client to complete the missing number, shown in the bottom right corner of a 3 by 3 square of numbers. There are 6 possible answers to choose from.
There are 32 questions in this section, with a time limit of ?? minutes.
Perceptual Part 1
This area involves the client to find the two figures, from a list of 6, which do not belong with the others which, are linked together.
There are 30 questions in this section, with a time limit of ≈10 minutes.
Perceptual Part 2
This area involves the client to find two shapes which are linked with each other, in a similar way to the pair of shapes given for each question.
There are 30 questions in this section, with a time limit of ≈10 minutes.

[edit] Spatial and Mechanical

This is answered into answer sheet 3.

This area involves the client to decide which of the three shapes given have been flipped over, and are different compared to the remaining two shapes.
There are around 30 questions in this section, with a time limit of 5 minutes.
This area involves the client to decide what will occur in a situation, using their mechanical ability. For example, Which wheel will turn the fastest?
There are 40 questions in this section, with a time limit of 10 minutes.

[edit] Similar or different

This section is answered into the first answer booklet.

This area involves the client to compare two items which have some similarity: a number, a line of text or a shape. The client then has around a minute per item, to tell whether 2 example of these items are similar of different from each other.

For example: 45566 is similar to 45566 while Mr. Williams is different from Mr. Walliams. This may look easy, though when put under a short time limit and pressure, mistakes will occur.

[edit] Section 2

This is the name of final paper, answered into the second answer booklet.

Part 1
This area involves the client to write 4 different symbols - S, a reversed S (a curved Z will be used for demonstration purposes), a ɤ and an inverted ɤ (an e will be used for demonstration purposes).
The following patterns which the client must write are:
  • S - e.g. S S S S
  • A reversed S - e.g. Z Z Z Z
  • S and 'Z' alternating - e.g. S Z S Z
  • ɤ - e.g. ɤ ɤ ɤ ɤ
  • 'e' - e.g e e e e
  • ɤ and 'e' alternating - e.g. ɤ e ɤ e
This is to be done for a length of 5 seconds. Once this has been done, the time limit is increased to 10 seconds and 20 seconds.
Part 2
This area involves the client to fill in two letters, making a word. There are many middle two words which may only be used once in total.
For example: _AR_. An example of a word that can be made is CARD
There is a time limit of 2 minutes to make as many of these words as possible.
Part 3
This area involves the client to think of as many objects which conform to a certain description. Due to the nature of the tests, it is not possible to reveal what these descriptions are. However, an example will be given:
Name as many objects which are made of glass. (Mirror, window, etc.)
In total, there are three descriptions, each with a ≈45 second time limit.
Part 4
This area involves the client to create a picture from a series of lines. They must then reveal what is beneath.
There is a time limit of 2 minutes for this section.
Part 5
This area involves the client to form as many '.' as possible. This is similar to an American Three Pin Plug design. The client has 45 seconds in which to do this.
Part 6
This final area involves the client to draw a line, from one end to another through a gap between two lines, without touching them. These gaps gradually decrease in thickness. The strong hand is used first, followed by the weaker hand. A time limit of 45 seconds is given for each hand.

[edit] Questionnaire

The profile is finished off with a questionnaire, asking about the clients preferences in a working environment.

[edit] Report

The cover for the Vocational Guidance Report
The cover for the Vocational Guidance Report

After a period of time, a document outlining the clients' strengths and weaknessess, along with possible jobs is given.

The report is filed into the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. An outline of the test results
  3. Reasoning ability
  4. General abilities
  5. Practical abilities
  6. Planning style
  7. How they work with their hands
  8. Problem-solving method
  9. learning style
  10. Personality
  11. A comparison of abilities and personality
  12. The world of work
  13. The next step
  14. Career suggestions
  15. Further information

There are others which follow should the report be for an adult who has finished education.

The results can then be discussed with a careers advisor, should the client still be in some form of education.

[edit] Introduction

The first numbered page of the report outlines how the report is prepared (by computer) and outlines the client's options for the future (A-level, University, Diplomas, NVQs, etc.) The report is then introduced, explaining what the report does and how it is related to the Morrisby Profile.

[edit] Scores

Also found in the introduction is an explanation to how the test scores are displayed and explains how the client is compared to other people of the same age. Each result is placed in one of the following groups.

  • Very High - Upper 10%
  • High - Next 20%
  • Average - Middle 40%
  • Fair - Next 20%
  • Low - Lower 10%

[edit] Test results

This section shows the clients how well they did in the Morrisby Profile. It goes through the results in detail and what is suggested about their career choices.

They are split into 6 sections:

  • Reasoning - how well new, difficult ideas are understood by the individual.
    Tests involved:
    • Reasoning
  • Genderal abilities - how the individual works with words, number, pictures or diagrams.
    Tests involved:
    • Verbal
    • Numerical
    • Perceptual
  • Practical ability - how the individual works on practical tasks.
    Tests involved:
    • Spatial
    • Mechanical
    • Planning style - a simple diagram indicating the individual's planning style; more overall or more detailed.
    • Working with your hands - illustrates the client's manual dexterity.
      Graph titles:
      • Quick
      • Careful
  • Problem solving -

[edit] References