Morris Federation
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The Morris Federation is one of the three existing umbrella organisations for morris dancing sides in the United Kingdom. It was officially founded as the Women's Morris Federation in 1975 as a direct response to the long-existing Morris Ring which did not (and does not to this day) allow all-female or mixed sides to join and was, as the original name suggests, limited to all-female teams.
In 1980, the Federation opened its doors to mixed teams, and two years later adopted a policy of allowing any team to join, regardless of gender - it was at about this point that the third umbrella group was founded, the Open Morris, which adopted this policy from the start.
The Morris Federation's aims are as follows...
- to encourage and maintain interest in the practice of morris dancing by men and women of all ages.
- to provide a channel of communication between member sides.
- to encourage the improvement of standards of dancing among its members.
The Federation is principally for practicing UK-based morris teams, but membership categories exist for interested individuals and overseas teams as well.