More Than Honor

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Honorverse Books
More Than Honor
Author David Weber, David Drake, S.M. Stirling
Genre Military Science Fiction
Publisher Baen Books
Release date 1998
ISBN 0-671-87857-3

More Than Honor, published in 1998, was the first anthology of stories set in the Honorverse.

The book contains the following stories:

A Beautiful Friendship by David Weber
The story of the first meeting between humans (Stephanie Harrington) and treecats (Climbs Quickly).
A Grand Tour by David Drake
A story with few links to any other in the Honorverse setting. Careful reading may reveal similarities to the first novel in his RCN Series, in the characters, style, and attitude. Both were published in 1998. Indeed Drake confirms that A Grand Tour is the conceptual antecendant of With the Lightenings. [1]
A Whiff of Grapeshot by S. M. Stirling
This story serves as background to the "Leveler Uprising" mentioned in the early chapters of In Enemy Hands. A radical Havenite faction stages an uprising against the rule of the Committee of Public Safety, wreaking havoc in the Havenite capital city of Nouveau Paris. With the Committee's security forces in complete disarray following an attack on its information network, the only forces able to intervene and restore order are Navy ships under the command of Admiral Esther McQueen, even though the Admiral is not precisely a supporter of the Committee and has an agenda of her own.
The Universe of Honor Harrington by David Weber
A "deep background" essay covering such diverse topics as the physics of space travel, the mechanics space colonization and politics of various "star nations", such as Manticore, Haven and the Solarian League.