MOPP (medicine)

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M.O.P.P. is a medical acronym describing the first combination chemotherapy regimen that treated Hodgkin's disease with a high success rate. It was developed at the National Cancer Institute in the 1960s by a team that included Vincent DeVita, Jr.. Although no longer the most effective combination, MOPP is still used after relapse or where the patient has certain allergies or lung or heart problems which prevents the use of another regimen.

MOPP's name is derived from its component drugs:

Mustargen (also known as mechlorethamine, mustine, nitrogen mustard, or MSD)
Oncovin (also known as Vincristine or VCR)
Procarbazine (also known as Matulane or Natulan)
Prednisone (also known as Deltasone or Orasone)

The treatment is usually administered in four week cycles, often for six cycles. Drugs "M" and "O" are administered intravenously, while drugs "P" and "P" are pills taken orally.

MOPP has been known to cause alopecia (hair loss) and skin sensitivity (especially to sunlight). Nausea, vomiting, and stomachache are common, as are chills, constipation, and frequent urination. Permanent sterility may also result.