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Monumentenzorg (English: "Monument Care") is a Dutch heritage organisation working for the protection and conservation of local, national and international monuments.


[edit] Overview

Monumentenzorg falls under the responsibility of the Dutch Ministry of Education and Culture.

[edit] Categorization of monuments

The ministry maintains various lists of protected monuments in the Netherlands. These lists are categorized as fallows:

  • World Heritage Site
  • Rijksmonument, or national monuments
  • Provincial monuments
  • Monuments in cities kept by a local 'stadsherstel' organization, such as Stadsherstel Amsterdam
  • Local town efforts to protect buildings or areas of interest by 'schoonheids commissies'.

Schoonheids commissies (rough translation: Beauty committees) are usually grassroots efforts to prevent the destruction of old buildings, something the Dutch do often and is a necessary evil for an over-populated country whose neglected buildings have a tendency to blow down in the wind or sink into the mud.

[edit] Monumenten dag

Once a year, all monuments are open to the public on Monument Day.

[edit] Type of monuments

  • Waterworks relating to hydraulic science
  • Buildings or structures of historic interest
  • Parks of historic interest, or ecological importance
  • Feats of engineering
  • Artistic sculptures
  • Historic Art collections
  • Old trees or old woods (in Holland it is rare for a tree to reach a great age)
  • War memorials

[edit] External links
