Montgomery Dinghy Dawdle

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The Montgomery Dinghy Dawdle is an event held annually to promote use and awareness of the Montgomery Canal.

The event is organised by the Shropshire Union Canal Society, with help from the Friends of the Montgomery Canal, part of the Montgomery Waterway Restoration Trust, and supported by British Waterways. The event involves unpowered craft such as dinghies, canoes and coracles travelling along the canal. Due to lowered bridges the craft need to be carried across roads at some point.

In 2007 the dawdle was between Burgedin Locks and Llanymynech Wharf. It took place on Sunday, 10 June 2007.

The 2008 dawdle will take place on Sunday, 8 June 2008. It will start at Redwith Bridge and end at Queen's Head.

[edit] External links

Monty 08 website