Monks Bay

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Monks Bay is suituated on the southern coast of the Isle of Wight, England and close to Bonchurch. Monks Bay is believed to be where French monks from Lyra Abbey landed from Normandy. It has proved popular with visitors, and represents one of the natural highlights of the town, which is steeped in history, the venue for such monumental figures as Charles Dickens, and the site of the Battle of Bonchurch which put a stop to French desires to seize the island as its own, making war for continued operations against England.

The cliffs lining Monks Bay are made of Blue slipper clay and, as such, has been mixed with imported rock to prevent slippage, which would present a danger to the numerous walkers who pass along its shores every year. It has also proved to be a perfect state for local flora to be established, again considering its tourist value thus making it the opportune place to be seen, and that the terrian itself is generally suited to that type of wildlife.

Monks Bay.

The area was also notable as a venue for smuggling rings. Monks Bay was used to disembark cargo from ships which would then be transported into the island.

Once a major source of income, fishing for local lobsters and crabs continues to occupy fisherman in this area.