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Monegasco (munegascu) is a romance language based on zeneize (genoves), a modern language of Liguria spoken in Monaco

Although currently in Monaco the people speak mainly french, monegasco is the old language of Principality of Monaco. This language dates of century XIII, of the time where Monaco passed to the control of Genova. In the truth, it is a variation of the genoves dialect. Tem Provençal and approximately 30% of lexicon is of occitana origin . The remainder is loaned of Italian and of the French. It is today used in rare cases by the older generations and continues being taught in the primary schools; the social use disappeared in the start of century XX, but is still considered the national language.

The orthography monegasca in general follows the rules of the Italian, with the following exceptions:

  • ü is sharp as the French u;
  • o œ is sharp as the French é ou como o ligúrico œ (ou ö), but doesn't like œ in bœuf;
  • ç he is sharp as the French~(/s/): tradiçiùn comes from tradition, doesn't come from tradizione.