Monash University Accident Research Centre

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The Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) is a research institute in the injury prevention field. The Centre is located at the Clayton Campus of Monash University in Victoria, Australia. It is the largest injury prevention centre in the Southern Hemisphere.[1]

The Centre was founded in 1987 in an effort to reduce Victoria's high road toll. Since then the MUARC hasn't undertaken any randomized controlled trials to determine whether red light cameras, speed cameras or any other driver behaviour intervention reduce or increase morbidity or mortality[2]. The MUARC has undertaken several studies to determine whether or not there is public acceptance of advertising campaigns and police enforcement of government road safety policies. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]. Although MUARC is primarily known for research on road safety advertising, the Centre's charter includes safety in all modes of transport, occupational safety and health and other aspects of injury prevention. MUARC is a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Violence, Injuries and Disabilities. It undertakes a wide range of research projects in Australia and around the world. Currently, it is carrying out more than 30 international projects.[8]

Facilities at the Centre's headquarters in Clayton include the biggest and most advanced driving simulator in Australia.[9]

MUARC staff are drawn from the academic disciplines of medicine, epidemiology, statistics, engineering, ergonomics, psychology, policy, Asian studies and education. The Centre serves as a postgraduate school offering a Doctor of Philosophy course. MUARC does not admit students at the master's degree or undergraduate degree level.

The MUARC has accepted financial and other assistance from Tenix[10] [11]. Tenix is a provider of red light cameras and speed cameras [12]. This financial assistance is not dislosed by the MUARC on its web page [13]. Tenix is a partner of Lockheed Martin known for the lockheed bribery scandals. Tenix and Lockheed Martin are partners in a joint venture to operate the State of Victoria's Traffic Camera Office and Enforcement Management Unit program.[14]

External links


  1. ^
  2. ^ MUARC reports[1]
  3. ^ Television advertising[2]
  4. ^ Advertising[3]
  5. ^ Media publicity[4]
  6. ^ Public perceptions of Victorian speed enforcemen[5]
  7. ^ Measuring the half-life of advertising awareness[6]
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^ Reception - Sponsored by LMT Australia also known as Tenix[7]
  11. ^ SIMS Research - People & Partners[8]
  12. ^ Tenix homepage[9]
  13. ^ MUARC[10]
  14. ^ Lockheed Martin press release