Mon cher Mustapha letter

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The Mon cher Mustapha letter was an anonymous chain letter distributed in Dreux, France in 1982 by supporters of the far-right National Front political party. It was supposedly written by an Algerian living in France to a brother living in Algeria. The letters read (translated from the original French):

My dear Mustapha,
With the grace of the all-powerful Allah, we are the masters of Paris. I ask myself why you hesitate to join us here.
On your arrival, you should register at the prefecture as a clandestine worker who wants to legitimize his situation. Don't worry, they will not give you work, but a card which gives you all the advantages of a worker.
The best thing is to come with children for the family allowances are very interesting. Only one of your wives will be considered legitimate - the others will be classed as single mothers in charge of a family and can claim 3000 francs per month.
The only thing you will have to do is to join the dole queue, it is quite long for there are many people and it is full of foreigners (the Duponts, the Durands, etc… ) whom it is necessary nevertheless to let pass in their turn. But, when we will be effectively in power, we will create counters for them. While waiting, as they are French who pays, it is necessary to be patient.
The French venerate saints. The greatest is the Saint-Dicat (trade union). He is good, strong and powerful and protects us. If you have forgotten to claim dole or need something and haven't got it, your Saint-Dicat will get it for you right away.
We are about to get the right to vote. Many people on the left promised us this. Thanks to our numbers, we will soon be able to make the law.
We have driven the French from Algeria, now we will flank them out of France.
Your brother Abdelkader.

These letters were instrumental in the National Front victory in the 1983 local council elections in Dreux.[citation needed]

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