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Molinicos is a municipality in Albacete, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 1,232.

Molinicos is a municipality of the province of Albacete (Spain), which one finds to 91 km from the capital of the province. In 2005 it(he,she) possesses(relies on) 1,232 inhabitants, according to information of the INE: 563 women and 601 men. Part(report) of his(her,your) term(end) joins the Nature reserve of You them Will Penetrate of the Rio World and of the Sima(Chasm).

Besides the urban hull, the pedanías of The Alejos understand(include), The Alpera, The Souls, Morote's Glen, Provencio's Glen, The Hills, Source(Fountain)-holly-oak, Source(Fountain)-fig tree, The Pits, Inns, The Pardal, Pinilla, Quejigal, Torre-Pedro and Vegallera, as well as a great number of hamlets, of which it is necessary to outline The Morcillar, The Sisters, The Highlander, The Strait, or others more removed from the principal nucleus since(as,like) they are The Saint.

Orientated to receive the first lights of the day, Molinicos's locality sticks to the skirt that sustains it in a waste of architectural balance, with steep and narrow streets that make us see his(her,your) Moslem past in each of his(her,your) turns. The urban hull is distributed in two zones, the old town and the modern Molinicos:

The low part of the village is more ancient, with whitewashed fronts, doors of wood, forge of the windows, tiles, etc., according to the architectural style of last epochs. It is necessary to emphasize here monuments as the Major Plaza, where there is located current " Museum of the Nízcalo " (S. The XIXth), one of few museums micológicos of Spain; the former Town hall (Town hall); the Plaza of the Church, where there is located one of two churches with which it(he,she) counts(tells) the urban nucleus; the Church of San Jose (S. The XVIIIth); and the street Mills, wherefrom this locality would take his(her,your) name.

The modern part breaks with the aesthetics of the ancient part, already modern materials are in use for the construction of housings and three and four heights are exceeded. This zone there begins in the Plaza of Our Lady of Carmen popularly known as " The Widening ", since the streets prove to be parallel (Major, New and Avenue of the Police). As places to visiting emphasize the already mentioned Plaza of Our Lady of Carmen, where we find the Church of the same name, of ultramodern style, and the House of the Culture.

Towards Albacete, for the Avenue of the above mentioned name, we find the Regional Cooperative society " It(He,She) saws of Sure ", and the Firemen's Regional Park.

In the head of the municipality, we can admire also: - A Roman aqueduct, placing when the street finishing Mills. - The Rock Periwig, an impressive mountain of stone, which investor raises surrounding the urban hull. - "Royoteros", majestic birth of water, surrounded with stalactites.

It is necessary to emphasize his(her,your) famous holidays(parties) of September, which have beginning on August 30, with the traditional powerful kick and cry(proclamation) of holidays(parties), and they continue until September 4, where his(her,your) showy confinements emphasize as attractions with brave beasts on the 1st 4.

Also we can admire the holidays(parties) in honor to his(her,your) Boss San Jose, where entrreo other acts also there are confinements with brave beasts (bulls).

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