
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moidart is a district in Lochaber, Highland, Scotland to the west of Fort William; the area is very remote and Loch Shiel cuts off the south-west boundary of the district.

Moidart includes the townships of Dorlin, Mingarry, Kinlochmoidart and Glenuig. At Dorlin is located the ancient fortress of the MacDonalds, Castle Tioram.

During World War II, HMS Dorlin was based at Dorlin and was used for training of Royal Navy Beach Signals and Royal Signals sections - battle training.

It was where legendary accordionist, Fergie MacDonald was raised.

[edit] The Macdonalds of Moidart

The Macdonalds of Moidart area were the ClanRanald.

John MacGregor W.S. states c.1929

In a dispute over the harvesting of seaweed Colin MacDonald of Boisdale v Ranald MacDonald of Clanranald c1761.
It is a fact both proved in this cause, and admitted between the parties, that all the estates in controversy were originally the property of their common ancestor, MacDonald of ClanRanald, a son of John, Lord of the Isles, who obtained a grant of them from his father in , which was confirmed by a charter under the Great Seal by King RobertII.
Comprehending Terra de Moidart cum castro de Elantirum,de terra de Arisaig, de terra de Morar, de insula de Rume, de insula de Huist, cum castro de Vynvale,de insula de Barry, de insula de Hirts; cum omnibus aliis minutis insulas [and all smaller islands] ad dictus insulas. Pertinentibus &c.

This was the original and ancient estate of MacDonald of ClanRanald.

Clanranald left his ancient stronghold of Castle Tioram to join James VII in 1715. According to MacGregor's knowledge Clanranald set fire to his castle when he left at this time. His account of the fire agrees with Seton Gordon's later version of this story, although some accounts state that the fire was started by accident in the castle kitchen.

ClanRanald's pipers were traditionally from a family of MacIntyre's who previously lived at Loch Rannoch. At that time this MacIntyre family were anciently pipers to Menzies of Menzies, and were said to have piped the Menzies forward at Bannockburn, with the famous Faery Pipes which were supposed to have magical properties. Some of these MacIntyres moved to Moidart and became pipers to ClanRanald. Today Archie MacIntyre still plays for MacDonald of ClanRanald.
