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Moguer (Spain)
Flag of Moguer Coat of arms of Moguer
Flag Coat of Arms
Coordinates : (Coordinates: 37°17′N 6°50′W / 37.283, -6.833)
Time zone : CET (GMT +1)
- summer : CEST (GMT +2)
General information
Native name Moguer (Spanish)
Spanish name Moguer
Founded 1333
Postal code 21.800
Country Spain
Autonomous Community Andalucía
Province Huelva
Comarca Metropolitan of Huelva
Mayor Juan José Volante Padilla (PP)
Land Area 204 km²
Altitude 51 m AMSL
Population 18.381 (2007)
Density 90,4 hab./km² (2007)

Moguer is a town located in the province of Huelva, Andalusia, Spain. According to the 2007 census, it has a population of 18.381 inhabitants. Its surface extension is 204 square kilometers and has a population density of 90.4 inhabitants per sq. km.

Several were human settlements from the age Former extended by the municipality of Moguer, however donation as a dominion of the town of Moguer in the year 1333, was the starting point of the current town, built the Convent of Santa Clara , Corpus Christi and San Francisco. Since then the population has increased dramatically, becoming an important town with a strong economy based on agriculture, fishing and smuggling of goods across its prominent river port. It was at this time, when Moguer participated actively in the preparations for the Discovery of America. Among its people Columbus found support from the abbess of the Convent of Santa Clara Ines Enriquez. The Brothers Niño had an outstanding participation in the trip and also gave the galley girls. At the turn of the trip was discovered Columbian vote in the church to the Convent of Santa Clara.

Subsequently, the activity remained Moguer seafaring and trade through the port of La Ribera, exporting wines produced at its word and other goods to America, Russia and other European countries. The wine was the engine of its economy until the early twentieth century, when the pole chemical Huelva and especially the development of farming Fresón, led a new economic, demographic and social.

The municipality of Moguer is formed by the urban centres of Moguer and Mazagon, agricultural area with irrigated and rain-fed crops, and forest areas by Mount compound of the City Council and the public protected natural areas.

Moguer is known to be one of the Columbian called Places to have had particular relevance in the preparation and the first trip discoverer, and also for being the birthplace of Nobel Juan Ramon Jimenez.

Distribution of the municipality of Moguer.
Distribution of the municipality of Moguer.


[edit] Geography

[edit] Location


Its geographic coordinates are 37 ° 16 'N, 6 ° 50' W. It is located at an altitude of 51 meters Sya 19 kilometers from the provincial capital, Huelva and 80 km. the city of Seville. Very near the neighbouring town of Palos de la Frontera, and 20 miles from the beaches of Mazagon, belonging to both municipalities and administered by the commonwealth Moguer-Palos de la Frontera. The scale surface of 204 km2. español  » inglés Traduzca Proponer una traducción mejor Gracias por proponer una traducción al Traductor de Google.Tus sugerencias nos servirán para mejorar la calidad de las traducciones en futuras actualizaciones de nuestro sistema. Its geographic coordinates are 37 ° 16 'N, 6 ° 50' W. It is located at an altitude of 51 meters Sya 19 kilometers from the provincial capital, Huelva and 80 km. the city of Seville. Very near the neighbouring town of Palos de la Frontera, and 20 miles from the beaches of Mazagon, belonging to both municipalities and administered by the commonwealth Moguer-Palos de la Frontera. The scale surface of 204 km2.

Moguer is located southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in the so-called Tierra Llana of Huelva. To the north is adjacent to the Tinto River, municipalities Huelva, Niebla and San Juan of Puerto, to the south with ocean Atlantic and Palos de la Frontera, east and the Tinto River, Palos de la Frontera, and west with the municipalities of Almonte and Lucena of Port. It belongs to the Region Metropolitana de Huelva.

[edit] Visits road

Access road to Moguer.
Access road to Moguer.

The main access to town occurs on the north, across the motorway A-49 through the autonomic A-494. But there are also accessible through the national N-422 and M-624 by provincial Palos de la Frontera, the autonomic A-494 in the town of Almonte and the autonomic A-486 by Lucena del Puerto.

At the town of Moguer is accessed through the A-494 by the avenues of Brothers Child, the fifth centenary of the Virgin and americas and from the road by the Marsh Street Ribera. At Old urban Mazagon is accessed from the A-494 by the Avenue of the Pathfinder (west), El Dorado street, Avenida del Arroyo de la Miel and Avenue of the Pathfinder (east).

Relief and hydrography of Moguer.
Relief and hydrography of Moguer.

[edit] Relief

The land sits where the term goes back to the Pliocene and Quaternary-consists of plastics-sandy clay.

Three units are its landscape: the countryside, wetlands and the coast. Streams and Galarina Montemayor that the ply die in the River Tinto, Angorrilla, de la Monjas, Cañada del Peral y Grulla in the creek Domingo Rubio, and of Madres in the Laguna de las Madres; cutting the upper layers and the interfluvio forms appear wavy or "head".

[edit] Weather

Being located in the coastal strip Huelva, the climate is Mediterranean-type Moguer (transition between the subtropical and temperate) with Atlantic influence. His regime is a sea temperatures, with an annual average of 19.2 °C (67 °F) which makes this city one of the warmest in Europe and receiving 2,984 hours of sunshine annually.

The hottest month was July, every year will exceed 40 °C (104 °F) in several occasions. The coldest month is January, the minimum around 7 °C (45 °F) and the maximum 17 °C (63 °F).

[edit] Demography

The population of Moguer remained around the 7.000-8.000 inhabitants between 1,900 and 1,970. From 1,970 has experienced steady growth that has placed the current population in the 18.381 inhabitants, having reached the highest population in its history in the year 2,006 with 18,441 inhabitants.

Moguer. Graphical population. 1900-2007

Lower division: 500 Inhabitants.
Sources: National Institute of Statistics Spain

[edit] History

Castel of Moguer.
Castel of Moguer.

[edit] Origins

The origins of human habitation in Moguer lost in the remoteness of the times and are surrounded by legendary legends, as in the whole area of the mouth of Red. The current municipality of Moguer was focus of attraction for people and peoples of the interior Mediterranean East since ancient times, as evidenced by the archaeological remains of Neolithic origin, Phoenician and Roman were found in various archaeological sites. Between the years 150 a. C. - 114 a. C. hispanorromanos established their industries salted along the mythical river Urium or Red, natural way of communication and commerce of different cultures that used it. In its ancient origin 'Urium' was a Roman villa with its defence tower, built roughly between century I a. C. and second century a. C.. Remains of amphorae, coins, bricks, with tégulas mark potter or a fragment of " sigillata Hispanic", a kind of beautiful pottery dating from the second century, confirmed the existence in the end what is now Moguer, several Roman settlements.

[edit] Average age

With the arrival of Muslims farmhouse, 'Mogauar or Mogur' belonged to the kingdom Taifa Fog. From this period persist castle Almohad, the underground reservoir which is under the parade ground, the source Pinete, the source of Montemayor, and archaeological remains of Arab settlements in the rural Rendon, the ACC or Manzote.

Power Pinete.
Power Pinete.

It was conquered by the Order of Santiago for 1239-1240, along with other enclaves of Algarve historic, and annexed to Castilla.

In 1333, the village of Moguer became the first dominion of the zone, being donated by Alfonso XI Alonso Jofré Tenorio, Staff Admiral Castilla. Under this gentleman, Moguer became a prosperous town, joining the existing castle Almohad as notable buildings, the Convent of Clare Santa Clara and the Franciscans of Corpus Christi. For marital unions went to the village moguereña depend on the house of Portocarrero, which enlarge the town with the construction of Convent of San Francisco in the fifteenth century and the transformation of the former Corpus convent in Hospital for the poor. When he died the manor passed to Mary Tenorio, his daughter, married to Martin FEMANDEZ Portocarrero, and then the son of both Alonso FEMANDEZ Portocarrero, whose lineage would be definitively linked.

The Portocarrero owned the rank of "rich-men" and "large" circle of the high nobility of Andalusia, being linked to the Court for carrying out their duties. In 1375 the lordship of Moguer became mayorazgo. Like any feudal lords Moguer court exercising control over municipal government. Within a very short time became a prominent fishing village of Andalusia, thanks mainly to the policy of attracting demographic implemented.

The economy moguereña was based on agriculture and fishing activities and commercial. In 1489 Catholic Monarchs granted insurance for vessels which arrived at port moguereño from Canary, north Africa European countries and the cornice Atlantic. Since the port XV had a mooring dock for loading and unloading goods, road, yards and a lot that was, along with those of Huelva and Palos, a prominent activity within the coastal Huelva.

Puerto de la Ribera.
Puerto de la Ribera.

In the late fifteenth century the village had formed a city with several axes dominated by the larger church, castle, the convent of San Francisco and the monastery of Santa Clara. There were moments of great economic activity and movement port. The town Rondo then 5,000 inhabitants. It was at this time when Moguer, and converted into an important fishing village, participated actively in the Discovery americas, contributing part of the seafaring voyage of discovery and one of the caravels, Girls, built in shipyards port moguereño. Several were occasions when the streets of Moguer saw happen to Admiral Columbus for help. Support found that the cleric Martin Sanchez, Juan Rodriguez Cabezudo landowner who entrusted the custody of his son Diego and the abbess of convent of Santa Clara, Ines Enriquez, aunt [ [Ferdinand the Catholic]]. In his church to return americas took place on Vote Columbian, made on the return trip when a strong storm was about to make the capsizing caravel The girl ' '.

[edit] Modern History

During the sixteenth century, the village went through an era of prosperity with commercial americas, where many moguereños who participated in the discovery and evangelization of the new lands, such as Bartolome Ruiz, and navigator who discovered the Pacific as a pilot who joined the famous expedition Pizarro of Thirteen of Fame fray Antonio de Olivares, founder of the city of San Antonio Texas Alonso Velez Mendoza, repopulation of the island of Santo Domingo, the Franciscan Quintero, who accompanied the issuance of Hernan Cortes Mexico, Fray Andres de Moguer , The first chronicler of Mexico or Diego Garcia of Moguer that took part in the first trip around the world next to Magellan, are among the most important characters.

View Convento San Francisco Convent from Santa Clara.
View Convento San Francisco Convent from Santa Clara.

The seventeenth century was a time of hardship for the Catholic monarchy, and could not escape from this situation the village moguereña, significantly decreasing its population. However, it would be in 1642 when the upward trajectory followed by Moguer was consecrated by granting the title of "City" by Philip IV.

The eighteenth century was characterized by economic stability, political and technical. The land, largely controlled by the local oligarchy, remained a defendant very well by moguereños, which were purchased in small tracts. On trade, he continued sustentándose in wine. Demand Cadiz and expanding market americas, Russia and other countries in Europe, as well as supplies to the Royal Navy, influenced the increased cultivation of vines.

In 1755 took place the terrible Lisbon earthquake, which caused extensive damage in the city, of which only buildings left standing stronger, as part of the castle, monastery of Sta. Clara or the Chapel of the Hospital. For this reason, resulted rebuild damaged buildings, sometimes restoration, as the Convent of San Francisco, and sometimes building a new plant building, as the building of the council, a masterpiece of Baroque civil or parish of Our Lady. Mrs. of Grenada, which was respected its original tower of the fourteenth century. The temple lifted because of the dramatic increase in the population eighteenth century, it was enlarged to acquire cathedral proportions, with five ships, being the highest central and wide that all four sides. The services to the Crown in wartime against England in 1779 made it possible for Carlos III granted to the City of Moguer titles of "Very Very Noble and Leal."

[edit] Contemporary History

The nineteenth century was Moguer to reflect in part the situation lived in the country. At the beginning of the century was the most populous core (7,200 inhabitants) followed by Huelva. The French-led invasion in the city a temporary situation and bewilderment. In 1833 became Huelva province after a long and bitter struggle verbale by the defenders of Moguer as the capital of the new politico-administrative demarcation. It would be, however, as head of new party and district attorney and court registrar, in addition to counting and District Courts Instance and Instruction. In order Moguer ecclesiastical seat of the vicarage was his name since mid-XV and also core arciprestazgo whose district was broader than the former vicarage that only encompassed the nearby Palos de la Frontera.

The desamortización also largely altered the economic structures of local institutions, especially the Church. The First Republic in 1873 also left its mark with the construction of road and bridge over the Red River, basic infrastructure for development of the municipality. In 1899 Moguer had 8,523 inhabitants of whom 99% were braceros. The wine remained the commodity and natural river channel through which was exported, however the local port traffic dropped by the silting of the river.

House birthplace of Juan Ramón Jiménez.
House birthplace of Juan Ramón Jiménez.

In 1881, the day on December 23, was born in the house number 1 rue de la Ribera, in Moguer, the poet universal Juan Ramón Jiménez Nobel for Literature in 1956. Thanks to him, Moguer becomes world famous through his work "Platero and I."

In the twentieth century, the economic prosperity of previous centuries, thanks to growing grapes, is frustrated by the infestation of phylloxera, at the beginning of the century. The population loss is unstoppable since then until the industrial development of Huelva in the sixties and, most importantly, until the installation of the strawberry crop in 70 years, being today Moguer the largest producer of fresero Spain, which has fostered over the past thirty years a large population development, economic and social development.

The beginning of twenty-first century is still marked by economic strength generated by agriculture with cultivation of Fresón and Raspberry, the construction industry and service sectors. This economic boom has resulted in a dramatic increase in population in recent years.

[edit] Economy

At the time the former dominant economic activity was the seafaring and fishing Moguer able to connect with the main ports of Mediterranean and the African coast, even during full medieval.

Winery wines and Moguer.
Winery wines and Moguer.

Over the centuries bajomedievales experienced rapid economic growth that had much to do with agricultural development and livestock that were given during these dates. Moguer was a burgeoning population with crops such as wheat, vines, spelt and hemp, acquired great importance fisheries.

Throughout the fifteenth century, highlighted by industrial production-related kilns soap, bread and bricks. It is also noteworthy that in these centuries had stores, warehouses and stores with various agricultural items.

However, in seventeenth century there was a deep economic crisis, as elsewhere in the country, partly because of strong fiscal pressure, which brought a significant setback in terms demographic retrotrajo productive activity.

It was in eighteenth century when greatly enhanced economic activity, especially the cultivation of vineyards and external trade through the local port. The wines of Moguer reached many countries in Europe, Russia, and also to americas, although the largest recipient was for decades the Navy, hence the broths landfall in boots of various sizes to ports in the Bay of Cadiz.

In the nineteenth century, there was a considerable increase from arable land and the spectacular development of vineyards which opened a bright moment in its history. The entry of the disease phylloxera in the vineyards began a new period of economic crisis and the gradual reduction of the crop. Moguer belongs to the Designation of Origin County Huelva.

At the beginning of twentieth century, the installation of Polo Development Huelva produced the transfer of agricultural labour in the manufacturing sector.

Fresón produced in Moguer.
Fresón produced in Moguer.

At the end of 70 started in the estate of "Las Madres" growing fresón, spreading rapidly through the town and the rest of the province, This has led to a new stage of economic boom. Moguer Spanish is the town that more surface dedicated to its cultivation, which has led in recent years the economy has diversified moguereña with other crops such as raspberry and fruit, and other activities such as construction, service sector and tourism.

The construction sector has benefited from resources generated by agriculture, basing a sharp increase in the number of construction companies (Section F) and real estate (Section K) to stand at 15% and 19% respectively, economic activity of non-farming town.

The business sector has been one of the sectors most benefited from the push agricultural reaching for a given number of firms (Section G), 43% of the economic activity of non-farming town.

Similarly, the emerging tourism development in the urban core of Mazagon, has generated an increase in the number of businesses catering (Section H) to stand at 12% of the economic activity of non-farming town.

Irrigation: Distribution of CR
Irrigation: Distribution of CR

[edit] Agriculture

The activity seafaring and fishing, but especially agriculture has historically been the basis of the local economy. The cereal and Oliver, then the wine and by the end of twentieth century Fresón and Raspberry have informed the local economy over the years.

The strong current development is based on crop irrigation, basically crops fresón and raspberry, which have served as economic engine and have put off other activities. They share agricultural area with other crops, less profitable, rainfed that lie in the traditional growing area, near the town of Moguer.

The irrigation has been made possible thanks to the grouping of farmers in communities irrigators. In the municipality of Moguer three communities coexist irrigators: RC of Valdemar, C.R. de Palos and C.R. of Fresno.

The businessman Antonio Medina Lama began the first experiments with growing Fresón on farm moguereña of "Mothers" at the end of 70. Over the years, cultivation techniques were improved and fresón was sweeping the town to become the basis of the local economy. It is a crop intensive under transparent plastic tunnels. The plant is located in loins padded black plastic, which puts the tape irrigation where it supplies water and food.

The area of cultivated Fresón in the town is 2,278 hectares. (8,551 hectares. Throughout Spain), representing 27% of the national total, which places the town as the leading producer of strawberries in Huelva, Andalusia and Spain.

In the past seven years, farmers have diversified production, introducing new crops such as raspberries, khaki and cranberry

[edit] Administration and municipal infrastructure

[edit] Municipalities

The town hall is located in the Plaza del Cabildo in the Old Town of the city, although in recent years have opened two other buildings, as the old building has remained small town . On the street Daniel Vazquez Diaz is the building of Social Affairs and Andalusia in the street the building of Urbana. The Municipal Archives has its facilities at a new plant building, opened in 1994, he shared with the faculty mannerist of the convent of San Francisco. It has several reservoirs on the first floor of the council for the latest administrative documentation.

municipality of Moguer.
municipality of Moguer.

[edit] Policy municipal

In the municipal elections in 2007 the mayor Midfielder Juan Jose Padilla, People's Party, revalidated his post as head of the council of Moguer, which has since 2003 .

The Municipal Corporation comprises 17 councilman is. In the municipal elections on May 27, 2007, the PP won 9 councillors with a 45.73% of the votes, while the PSO-A succeeded 6 with a 30.19% of the votes and neighborhood associations of Mazagon (avem) gained 2 with a 13.32% of the votes. The political groupings, independent Mazagon Party (PIM) and the Andalusian Party ( PA) did not obtain representation in the 2007 elections.

The fourth Thursday of each month, at 20 hours, the City of Moguer holds its plenary sessions, open to the public at large. The sessions of the commission of government, the first and third Friday of each month. While committee meetings informative "Urban and Internal Regime", "Social Welfare", and "Economy and Development" was held the first, second and third Thursday, respectively. Also part of the local administration of the Municipal Culture Foundation, the Municipal Sports and company housing and land Envisur.

Political history

The most relevant political groupings in the local since the first democratic elections include the PSO-A (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) and DB ( People's Party). UF ( Izquierda Unida) and the Andalusian Party ( PA) have had municipal presence on several occasions, the neighborhood associations of Mazagon (avem) has been a force usual policy in the municipality of Moguer, since the legislature 1995 - 1999 and the Independent Party of Mazagon (MIP) has emerged as a new political formation in the year 2007.

[edit] Security Forces

The city of Moguer has facilities for two types of Security Forces

  • Local Police : The commissioner of the Local Police stood at the front of the council of Bishop Street Infante.
  • Civil Guard : The Civil Guard barracks is located on Avenue of the Constitution.
  • Civil Protection : The Civil Protection units are located in the Plaza on October 12 and has a significant number of volunteers.

[edit] Judicial Administration

Moguer is head of judicial district of the number 6 Huelva, encompassing the towns of Moguer, fog Bonares Lucena Port and Palos de la Border. The court facilities are located in the streets of San Francisco and 2 consist of First Instance tried and Instruction.

Infrastructures in Moguer.
Infrastructures in Moguer.
Infrastructures at Mazagon.
Infrastructures at Mazagon.

[edit] Health

Moguer has 2 health centres dependent Andalusian Health Service (SAS):

  • 'Health Center of Moguer': Located on the street Castillo, 6.
  • 'Health Center of Mazagon': Located on the street Buenos Aires, s / n.

[edit] Education

The town has the following schools:

  • 'Nursery': Two municipal (Municipal casei "Puss in Boots" and Municipal casei "Farito" at Mazagon) and private (Nursery "barquito Paper").
  • Colleges of early childhood education and primary: College of early childhood education and primary Pedro Alonso Nino, College of early childhood education and primary virgin MONTEMAYOR, College of early childhood education and primary and Zenobia Camprubí College of early childhood education and primary Farid at Mazagon.
  • Institutes of secondary education: Institute of Juan Ramón Jiménez secondary education, secondary education institutes and Francisco Garfias Institute of secondary education in the Lighthouse Mazagon.
  • Sections of lifelong learning: Section Camarines continuing education and lifelong learning Section El Vigia in Mazagon.

[edit] Sports

The municipality has in its municipality with two Polideportivos:

  • Polideportivo de Moguer: Located on the Avenue of the V Centenario. This consists of: Two camps football, one of albero and one with artificial turf degrees, a track perimeter of athletics, two tracks paddle and an area of sand to beach volleyball. A flag covered with degrees. Two Sports court covered. Six tracks outdoors, two of soccer, two Tennis, basketball and volleyball. An outdoor pool.
  • Polideportivo de Mazagon: Located in Santa Clara Avenue. This consists of: A field of football albero with degrees. A flag covered with degrees. Four tracks outdoors, one of soccer, Tennis and two basketball.

There are several teams that compete for their competitions in these facilities, but among all the stresses "Club Handball Pedro Alonso Niño", which militates first division national Handball.

[edit] Nature

Distribution of Natural Areas.
Distribution of Natural Areas.

The natural areas of the municipality of Moguer represent over 70% of the territory. The protected and can be classified into unprotected. The unprotected include Mount public council of Moguer and protected are:

  • Doñana Natural Park : Presents different coastal ecosystems: dunes, forests, lakes and wetlands areas. There are 3,200 hectares. the municipality of Moguer those belonging to this natural space.
  • 'Paraje Natural Laguna of Mothers and Palos': Located in the municipalities of Moguer and Palos de la Frontera. In it we can find a wide variety of animal and plant species.
  • 'Dehesa del Estero Sunday Blonde': Dehesa and head of Pinar del Estero Sunday Paraje Natural Blonde, with LIC protection. Among the flora stress stone pine, scrub of rockrose, mastic, palm hearts, jaguarzos, etc.. Among the wildlife wild boar, otters, herons and real imperial ducks spoon, garcilla bueyera, chameleon, and so on.
  • 'Beaches Mazagon': A group of sandy beaches and cliffs that are a virgin territory. They found the population of Mazagon.

[edit] Monuments

Monastery of Santa Clara, in Moguer .
Monastery of Santa Clara, in Moguer .
Parish of Our Lady of Grenada of Moguer .
Parish of Our Lady of Grenada of Moguer .
Convent of San Francisco.
Convent of San Francisco.
  • Castle : building Almohad reformed and enlarged fourteenth century whose origins date back to a Roman villa Roman the beginning of our era. Its interior is preserved an interesting reservoir of two ships suspected of Almohad era.
  • Power Source Mudejar Pinete : thirteenth century temple with four sides, two of them open, and water, located in the old Camino Royal Seville.
  • Convent of Santa Clara : was founded in 1337 by Alonso Jofre Tenorio. The set of buildings that make up the monastery is listed as National Monument from 1931. It is the monument Colombino Highlights of Moguer.
  • Chapel of the Hospital Corpus Christi : This building was erected in the fourteenth century, forming part of the first male monastery that was lifted in Moguer. It's style Gothic - Mudejar.
  • Parish of Our Lady of Grenada : The parish church of Our Lady of Grenada is a temple built in [[eighteenth century] ] On the ruins of the former parish Mudejar fourteenth century.
  • Puerto de la Ribera : Old Port moguereño which had loading dock, dry dock and shipyards. They built between 1487 and 1490 the caravel La Niña .
  • Ermita de San Sebastian : was built between the sixteenth century XVIII. It's style Baroque and is popularly known as Chapel of Jesus.
  • San Francisco Convent : The convent San Francisco began to build in the late fifteenth century, although not was completed to build the church until the seventies sixteenth century and the faculty until seventeenth century. It is the seat of the Municipal Historical Archives and Library Iberoamericana.
  • Ermita Montemayor: The current building comes from the centuries XV, XVIII and XX, with numerous reforms to the enlargement that has been subjected.
  • Municipality of Moguer: The town hall building council moguereño is a civilian building of the second half of the eighteenth century.
  • House Museum Zenobia and Juan Ramon : Casa del siglo XVIII. Conserva belongings, books and personal belongings of the Nobel Prize Juan Ramón Jiménez.
  • Casa Natal Juan Ramón Jiménez : House nineteenth century. Birthplace of Juan Ramón Jiménez.
  • Fuentepiña : Residence rest of the poet since the currency that is a beautiful overview of Moguer.

[edit] Celebrities

Many are the sons of Moguer related to ocean navigation, the Church, politics, singing and dancing, painting or poetry.

[edit] Niño Brothers

Members of a family of renowned marine moguereños who participated actively in the Discovery americas. Pedro Alonso was the pilot Santa Maria to the orders Columbus Francisco participated as a cabin boy in this travel, and John as master of the caravel The girl, which he owned. Pedro Alonso Child discovered in a subsequent journey, the Margarita Island, Lesser Antilles.

Monument Juan Ramón Jiménez, Plaza del Cabildo (Moguer).
Monument Juan Ramón Jiménez, Plaza del Cabildo (Moguer).

[edit] Juan Ramón Jiménez

The Dec. 23 1881 was born in the house number two the street from the Ribera de Moguer poet Juan Ramón Jiménez. A few years after his parents moved to an old house eighteenth century located in the most noble of the city, New Street.

The first years of life of Juan Ramon were filled with the spirit of their homeland, Moguer, and thus would be evident when, walking the years, he had leaving Seville Madrid and americas ( civil war would always be present in his life for his people. The best known work of Juan Ramon, who in 1956 won the Nobel for Literature, is Platero and I, whose poems in prose are developed in Moguer.

Currently, are preserved in Moguer, with a declaration of "Historic Site, the birthplace of Juan Ramón Jiménez (nineteenth century), his House-Museum (eighteenth century), and the farm house Fuentepiña , Where he is buried Platero (nineteenth century), the house they lived on the street Aceña (nineteenth century), and the parish cemetery (nineteenth century), where the mausoleum of Juan Ramon and his wife Zenobia.

[edit] Other celebrities

  • ' Luis Torres, Juan de Jerez, Juan de Moguer, Francisco Garcia Vallejos, Juan Quintero, Juan Vecano, Juan Arraez, Alonso Morales, Master Alonso, Bartholomew Roldan, Diego Leal and others ': Mariners moguereños to rest alongside the Brothers Child, were part of crews in Discovery americas.
  • Cristobal Garcia del Castillo , captain of the Royal Brotherhood of Knights of Andalusia. He founded the city of Telde on the island of Gran Canaria.
  • Alonso Velez Mendoza , Commander of the Order of Santiago and explorer of the Brazilian coast.
  • Diego Garcia of Moguer , Pilot: Explore the South American coast to the River Plate and discovered the Chagos Archipelago and the island Diego Garcia .
  • John Ladrillero , pilot: It is regarded as the discoverer of another Strait of Magellan.
  • Bartolome Ruiz , pilot: This is one of the known Thirteen of Fame who accompanied Pizarro in the discovery of Peru.
  • Fray Andres de Moguer , Dominican religious stressed that as the first chronicler of the work of the monks of Santo Domingo in the Viceroyalty of New Spain.
  • Felipe Godinez Manrique , recognized playwright Golden Age Spanish that he composed plays that are represented in court and in americas. Cervantes stressed his "flowery wits" when talking about his work.
  • Friar Antonio de Olivares : religious moguereño who lived on horseback between the ages XVII and XVIII. Officiated the first Mass. which was held in Texas, and founded the city known San Antonio, in that U.S. state.
  • Luis Hernandez-Pinzon Alvarez (Moguer, 1816-1891 ). 'direct descendants of the Pinzón Palos and Admiral of the Spanish navy at the time of Elizabeth II, led the squad in the Pacific war against Peru for control of guano .
  • Ildefonso Joaquin Infante and Macías (Moguer, 1813-1888). He was bishop of Tenerife between the years 1877 and 1886.
  • The Parral (Dolores Parrales), singer born in Moguer whom Lorca devoted one of the poems of his work "Poem singing Jondo. "
  • Manuel Gomez Contioso , Salesian religious moguereño shot in Malaga during the civil war, with another 497 religious beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on October 28, 2007.
  • Rafael Romero and Barros (1832-1895), a leading Spanish painter who counted among his disciples with his son Julio Romero de Torres .
  • Manuel de Burgos and Mazo (1862-1946), a prominent politician who led the Restoration Conservative Party in the province of Huelva in that period. Reached charges of Grace and Justice Minister and government in 1917 and 1919 respectively.
  • Alejandro Rodriguez Gomez "Xandro Valerio " (1896-1966), poet moguereño stressed that especially as lyricist of ballads. "The Parral," "Tattoo", among others, are compositions theirs.
  • Eulalia Ruiz de Clavijo (1904-2000), first woman prosecutor in the Spanish courts.

Francisco Lopez ]] *[[ Garfias (1921 -), National Poetry Prize in 1971 with its poemario "Duda". It is also recognized as a researcher and editor of the work of Juan Ramón Jiménez.

  • Jose Manuel Sierra Mendez (1978 -), handball Player of the Spanish team in the European championship in 2008.

[edit] Symbols of Moguer

As approved by the municipal corporation in the middle of the July 24, 1996, and was subsequently endorsed by the Government of Andalusia October 15 1996, the shield and flag of the city received the following description heraldry:

  • Shield: Fifteen points Chessman gold and azure, bordura consists of Castilla y Leon. At the buzzer royal crown closed.
  • Flag: rectangular in the proportion of 11 x 18, jaquelada fifteen jaqueles, eight and seven yellow blue, prepared three in the width of five in length. Centered overlay and the coat of arms locally.
  • Anthem: It was music by Ivan Macias from the point of local poet Francisco Garfias Lopez in 2006. On April 26, 2007, the full City adopted its adoption as Hymn of the city.

[edit] Craftsmanship and gastronomy

Moguer is heir to a rich craft tradition: Tonnes lace of rolls embroidery saddlery, clothing, costumes Andalusian , Among others.

In its cuisine highlights Choco with beans, skate in paprika, cazón in marinade, white shrimp, coquinas and clams the Acedo, leagues and croakers. Its fruity wine and white wine and orange are produced under the Denomination of Origin "Condado de Huelva".

It should be noted among its typical products, cakes, "La Victoria", vermouth, wine cellars and Saenz fresón, proceeds of which Moguer is the largest domestic producer.

[edit] Culture and traditions

The history of Moguer is reflected today in addition to its monuments and its streets, in the various festivities and celebrations that occur throughout the year in the city.

The evening in honor of Our Lady of Montemayor , Moguer known as Days of Our Lady, has been held without interruption since the Lower Age Media to worship the patron at around September 8. At the end of August, began the solemn ninth in his honor in the Parish of Grenada, to culminate with the Institute of Homefunctionand the procession of Madam the day of the nativity of Mary Blessed by the city's streets. Meanwhile, for about five days, the festival will live in a more playful in the exhibition of the town, which has more than 200 booths.

Nª S. Montemayor during the procession through the streets of Moguer, on September 8.
Nª S. Montemayor during the procession through the streets of Moguer, on September 8.

The Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Montemayor takes place every second weekend of May in the pine forests surrounding the shrine of the patron. These days, thousands of pilgrims moving up the precinct to venerate the "Queen of the Pinares. At present there are eight brotherhoods subsidiaries spread over the provinces of Huelva Seville and Madrid engaged in patron saint of Moguer also participate in this celebration.

The Easter in Moguer has a special significance, as is evidenced by the various brotherhoods that procession from the Palm Sunday until Holy Saturday. Currently conducting station penance eight brotherhoods.

The Romeria del Rocio which takes place in the village of spray weekend Pentecost, has a deep draught in this town since it calculates Brotherhoodthat the subsidiary of Nª Sª del Rocio of Moguerdates from the end of seventeenth century, and there are documents eighteenth century found that the presence of moguereños faithful in the celebration of this festival. Juan Ramón Jiménez in his summit, Platero and I wrote an entire chapter devoted to this celebration.

'The Corpus Christi .' For this occasion the entire route of the procession wears juncias and is filled with pilgrims and altars to receive the Blessed on a step silver.

There are, throughout the year, other cultural activities related to Discovery americas and Juan Ramón Jiménez. Within the acts of discoveries include the celebration, on March 14, vote Columbian and the annual remembrance of the discovery of new lands, each on October 12. They are juanramoniano commemorations, cultural events of the imposition of "Parsley silver", and by disseminating knowledge of the work of Nobel moguereño and the granting of the "Prize for poetry Hispanoamericano Juan Ramón Jiménez" awarded annually "Foundation Juan Ramón Jiménez".

[edit] Twin Cities

Moguer is twinned with the following cities:

[edit] Bibliography

  • VILAPLANA, María Asunción, La colección diplomática de Santa Clara de Moguer. Universidad de Sevilla. Secretariado de Publicaciones. Sevilla, 1975. (ISBN 978-84-600-6555-5)
  • GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ, Antonio, Moguer en la Baja Edad Media. Diputación Provincial de Huelva, Huelva, 1976. (ISBN 84-500-1614-2 )
  • GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ, Juan Miguel, El Monasterio de Santa Clara de Moguer. Diputación Provincial de Huelva, Huelva, 1978. (ISBN 84-00-03752-9)
  • ROPERO REGIDOR, Diego. La "Niña II" Aventura transoceánica por la ruta del primer viaje colombino : historia y documentos Caja Provincial de Ahorros, 1987)
  • ROPERO REGIDOR, Diego. Los lugares colombinos y su entorno. Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid, 1992. (ISBN 978-84-8004-027-3)
  • Moguer 500 Años. Catálogo de la Exposición. (Iglesia de San Francisco de Moguer, 3 agosto - 2 septiembre 1992). Ayuntamiento de Moguer, 1992.
  • FERNÁNDEZ VIAL, Ignacio; OLLERO MARÍN, Álvaro, Las tres carabelas. Diputación Provincial de Huelva, Huelva, 1998. (ISBN 84-8163-139-6)
  • BORDA CAMACHO, Germán, Visiones de Pero Alonso Niño, descubridor de America. Ed. Archivo Histórico Municipal; Fundación Municipal Cultura, Moguer, 2001.
  • ÁLVAREZ JOSUÉ, Aurelio, Moguer en la época de Carlos III. Edición, introducción, notas y transcripción de documentos de Diego Ropero-Regidor. Col. "Biblioteca Nueva Urium", nº 1. Archivo Histórico Municipal; Fundación Municipal Cultura, Moguer, 2002. (ISBN 84-607-5467-7)
  • ROPERO REGIDOR, Diego. Moguer y America en la era de los descubrimientos. Col. "Biblioteca Nueva Urium", nº 2. Archivo Histórico Municipal; Fundación Municipal Cultura, Moguer, 2003. (ISBN 84-607-8932-2)
  • MORENO ORTA, Juan Manuel, Eulalia Ruiz de Clavijo, primera mujer procuradora de los Tribunales en España. Col. "Biblioteca Nueva Urium", nº 3. Archivo Histórico Municipal; Fundación Municipal Cultura, Moguer, 2004. (ISBN 84-607-9980-8)
  • FERNÁNDEZ VIAL, Ignacio, Los marinos descubridores onubenses. Diputación Provincial de Huelva, Huelva, 2004. (ISBN 84-8163-352-6)
  • DÍAZ DOMÍNGUEZ, Manuel: Religiosidad popular en la ciudad de Moguer (1400-1936). Col. "Biblioteca Nueva Urium", nº 4. Archivo Histórico Municipal; Fundación Municipal de Cultura, Moguer, 2005.
  • DÍAZ ROCA, José Antonio: Vida y semblanza de Fray Joaquin Infantes Macías. Fundación Municipal Cultura, Moguer, 2007.

[edit] External links