Mode 7 (disambiguation)

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Mode 7 is a term used to describe a simple texture mapping graphics mode on Nintendo platforms.

It can also refer to:

  • Mode 7 Warriors a freelance game design team responsible for titles such as Jay-Old and Ball Attak.
  • Mode 7 is also the name of a Game Boy Advance warez group
  • Mode 7 is also the name of the Teletext-compatible video mode available on the BBC Micro, noted for its colorful, blocky pseudo-graphics instantly recognisable by a generation of British school-children due to its use in many educational software programs in the 1980s.
  • Mode 7 is also the name of a Nottingham based chiptune artist.
  • Mode 7 (Mode-7) is also the name of the gaming oriented webcomic created in 2003 by Simon Lundmark and Richard Boulton.