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Mobbing is a term referring to a type of animal behaviour. A newer use refers to a group behavioural phenomenon in workplaces. In a different sense, it is a criminal offence in Scotland.


[edit] Antipredatory behavior

Main article: Mobbing behavior

A longer-established technical use of mobbing is in the study of animal behaviour, especially in ornithology, where it refers to the antipredatory mobbing behavior harassing something that represents a threat to them.

From the Royal Society for Protection of Birds, RSPB, website [1]:

Mobbing is a noisy, obvious form of behaviour that birds engage in to defend themselves or their offspring from predators. When a predator is discovered, the birds start to emit alarm calls and fly at the predator, diverting its attention and harassing it. Sometimes they make physical contact. Mobbing usually starts with just one or two birds, but may attract a large number of birds, often of many species. For example, a chorus of different alarm calls coming from the same tree is often a good sign of a roosting owl or a cat.
Mobbing behaviour has been recorded in a wide range of species, but it is particularly well developed in gulls and terns, while crows are amongst the most frequent mobbers. In addition to flying at the predator and emitting alarm calls, some birds, such as fieldfares and gulls, add to the effectiveness by defaecating or even vomiting on the predator with amazing accuracy...

From the book "Mobbing, Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, 2005, page 21"[2]:

"In the sixties, the eminent Austrian ethologist Konrad Lorenz used the English term mobbing to describe the behaviour that animals use to scare away a stronger, preying enemy. A number of weaker individuals crowd together and display attacking behavior, such as geese scaring away a fox."

[edit] In the workplace

In the book MOBBING: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, the authors claim that mobbing is typically found in work environments that have poorly organized production and/or working methods and incapable or inattentive management and that mobbing victims are usually "exceptional individuals who demonstrated intelligence, competence, creativity, integrity, accomplishment and dedication".[3]

Though the English word mob denotes a crowd, often in a destructive or hostile mood, German, Polish and several other European languages have adopted mobbing as a loanword to describe all forms of bullying including that by single persons. The resultant German verb mobben can also be used for physical attacks, calumny against teachers on the internet and intimidation by superiors, with an emphasis on the victims' continuous fear rather than the perpetrators' will to exclude them. The word may thus be a false friend in translation back into English, where mobbing in its primary sense denotes a disorderly gathering by a crowd and in workplace psychology narrowly refers to "ganging up" by others to harass and intimidate an individual.

After 5 years of abuse, harassment and bullying during her time as the first Anti-Discrimination Commissioner in Tasmania Jocelynne Scutt wrote: “ experience in Tasmania has meant that my place in the pantheon of experts on mobbing is assured. Invitations nationally and internationally for me to speak on this subject, combined with the conduct taking place in Tasmania, has led to my developing a theory and perspective on this subject, a form of bully which has its own dynamic and features. This theory and perspective, supported as it is not only by expertise I have developed through my work over the past 30 years, but also by my own experience over the past five years, is leading edge”. [4]

[edit] Mobbing in Scots law

In Scotland Mobbing and rioting is the formation of a mob engaged in disorderly and criminal behaviour. The crime occurs when a group combines to the alarm of the public "for an illegal purpose, or in order to carry out a legal purpose by illegal means, e.g. violence or intimidation".[5] This common purpose distinguishes it from a breach of the peace.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Mobbing Royal Society for Protection of Birds, UK, website
  2. ^ Davenport, Noa, Distler Schwartz, Ruth, Pursell Elliott, Gail, Mobbing, Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, 3rd Edition 2005, Civil Society Publishing. Ames, IA, Page 21
  3. ^ Davenport, Noa, Distler Schwartz, Ruth, Pursell Elliott, Gail, Mobbing, Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, 3rd Edition 2005, Civil Society Publishing. Ames, IA,
  4. ^ (2004) Anti-Discrimination Commission Fifth Annual Report – 2003-2004. Tasmania: Anti-Discrimination Commission, 33. 
  5. ^

[edit] See also

[edit] External links