Taipei subway maps use the left-facing swastika, which is a Buddhist symbol, to indicate the location of a temple.
Drawing of Theoderich Hagn's coat of arms, including swastika which 6-year old Hitler saw while in school.
Placa en la cumbre del Txindoki, Guipúzcoa, País Vaco, España.
Vasila cilíndrica con decoración de motivos solares, Los Castellares (Herrera de los Navarros, Zaragoza). Siglo II adC. Museo de Zaragoza
Pinturas rupestres en el Parque Nacional Zion
Birth of Jesus. Detail from the side facing the apse of the so-called "Sarcofago di Stilicone" ("Stilicho's sarcophagus"), an Ancient Roman christian sarcophagus dating from the 4th century. It is preserved beneath the pulpit of Sant'Ambrogio basilica in Milan, Italy.
Atalburu in Lower Navarre, French Basque Country
E.T.A. el poble amb vosaltres
Cuetrefuellas, símbolo místico pirenaico que protege de la mala suerte.
Retrato de la Marquesa de Santa Cruz. Óleo sobre lienzo. 124,7 cm x 207,9 cm. Museo del Prado (Madrid, España)
Swastika Mosaic on the floor of the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris.
Ben kam med gudssymbol (odintegnet)
Interlocking swastika design in pavement of Amiens Cathedral
Mosaic at Augusta Raurica. Photo by Traroth, under GFDL.
Bell idol. Terracotta figurine, 7th century BC (Late Geometric period).
Illustration from 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, article BROOCH. Original caption: FIG. 6.–Greek geometric fibula.
Young boy holding a discus at the palaestra. Near him, a pick to prepare the landing ground for the long jump, and a pair of dumbbells used to maintain equilibrium during the jump. Interior of an Attic red-figure kylix, ca. 510–500 BC. Kalos inscription.
Mosaikfußboden aus einem Bad in Herculaneum
東院道 (Eastern Hospital Road),是香港島銅鑼灣南部掃桿埔的一條街道
Kantharos. Schlangen auf den Henkeln kennzeichnen das Gefäß als Totengut. Die Ornamente — Schlangenband, Hakenkreuz, Blattstern — sind bildhaft komponiert. Attisch, um 780 v. Chr.
Title of Roman citizenship dedicated to Hasekura Tsunenaga. 1615.
Part of the Han dynasty "silk comet atlas"
Protoattic high-footed cup with birds, ca. 715–700 BC. From Attica.
Neighborhood shrine in Kyoto
"Swastika" im christlichen Bereich
A statue of the Buddha with a swastika (Indian good luck symbol) on his chest.
Chinese Mother of Pearl Lacquer Box with Peony Decor
Swastika of Maaria, Finland
Modanature decorate non canoniche: meandro sul soffitto della peristasi del tempio di Marte Ultore nel Foro di Augusto a Roma.
Floor pavement (5th c. AC). Roman villa in Estada (Huesca). Mosaic
Animals. Side B from a black-figure neck-amphora, ca. 560–540 BC. From Reggio di Calabria, former Rhegion.
Two horses at trough. Late Geometric Attic oinochoe, ca. 725 BC. From Athens.
Boeotian pyxis with birds, ca. 720 BC
swastika from Roman mosaic II cent. A. D. Sousse Tunisia
Dettaglio di mosaico antico, da uno dei pavimenti della villa romana rinvenuta nel Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia.
A photograph of the sunwheel/swastika on the Snoldelev stone in the National Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cover of a Chinese "Sutra of the Diamond"
Avarian old swastika,non-spiral cross-swastika type
One round and one "free" swastika
Bhuddistische Swastika auf Bronzegefäß