Mitsuru Numai

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Yousuke Shibata as Mitsuru Numai in the film Battle Royale.
Yousuke Shibata as Mitsuru Numai in the film Battle Royale.
Manga Mitsuru Numai
Manga Mitsuru Numai

Mitsuru Numai (沼井 充 Numai Mitsuru) is a character in the novel Battle Royale, and the film and manga of the same name. In the film he was played by Yousuke Shibata.

Numai has O-type blood

[edit] Pre-Program

Mitsuru Numai is one of the class of third-year students at the fictional Shiroiwa Junior High School.

In the novel and manga, Mitsuru was a member of the gang headed by Kazuo Kiriyama, and it was Mitsuru who made Kazuo the leader. He met Kazuo after biting off more than he could chew in a fight at school. Kazuo, a new student, came to his rescue just as he was getting his fingers broken. Mitsuru was a bully, and often picked on other students to compensate for his average scores in class and sports. He had the misconception that the act of suggesting Kazuo to slick back his hair was an act of bonding between the two. Like Toshinori Oda, Mitsuru had used model guns in the past.

[edit] During The Program

In the novel and manga, Kazuo Kiriyama sends a message to Mitsuru, along with the other gang members, to meet him at the Southern tip of the island when are were released from the school. Mitsuru follows the instruction, only to be shot by Kazuo on his arrival after a confrontation over the deaths of the members of the "Kiriyama Family." Mitsuru is the first student to die from Kazuo's infamous MAC-10 in the novel and the fourth in the manga.

In the film, Kiriyama does not know Mitsuru until the program begins. Mitsuru and his gang (including Ryuhei Sasagawa, Sho Tsukioka, Hiroshi Kuronaga, and Izumi Kanai) surround Kiriyama and accuse him of being a spy for Kitano. Kiriyama, after wrestling the Uzi (the equivalent of the MAC-10 in the film) from Ryuhei, fires a load of bullets into the majority of the gang, killing all but Izumi who he kills with another round of bullets.