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MitoCheck is an integrated research project which brings together leading European research groups to study systematically the regulation of mitosis in human cells.

It is funded within the Sixth Framework programme of the European Commission for 4 years from the April 1, 2004 and co-ordinated by Dr Jan-Michael Peters from the Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna. The full list of participants includes groups from Austria, Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom.

The project aims to test all human genes for involvement in mitosis by RNAi, then identify a subset which will be studied intensively for changes in phosphorylation, subcellular localization and involvement in protein complexes. Other aspects will look at engineering mitotic kinases and translational opportunities for human health.

[edit] External links

Databases supported by Bioinformatic Harvester
NCBI-BLAST | CDD | Ensembl | Entrez | Flybase | Flymine | GFP-cDNA | Genome_browser | GeneCard | Google_Scholar | GoPubMed | HomoloGene | iHOP | IPI | OMIM | Mitocheck | PSORT | PolyMeta | UniProt | SOURCE | SOSUI | RZPD | Sciencenet | STRING | SMART | ZFIN |