Mitja Ferenc

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Mitja Ferenc (March 21, 1960) is a Slovenian historian.

Mitja Ferenc was born in Ljubljana as the son of the renowned historian and partisan veteran Tone Ferenc. He graduated from modern history at the University of Ljubljana in 1985.

Since 2000, Ferenc he has been researching the mass graves of people killed by the Yugoslav Communist regime after the end of World War II on Slovenian territoy.[1] Between 2002 and 2004, he was member of the commission established by the Slovenian Government to document the 290 mass graves from Communist era found in Slovenia.[2]

He works at the University of Ljubljana, where he teaches history of Southeast Europe in the 20th century. He has also written several books on the history of the Gottschee German community.

[edit] Major works

  • Franja Partisan Hospital (Ljubljana: Ministry of Culture, Cultural Heritage Office of Slovenia, 2002).
  • Gottschee: the lost cultural heritage of the Gottscheer Germans (Louisville, CO: Gottscheer Heritage and Genealogy Association, 2001).
  • Nekdanji nemški jezikovni otok na Kočevskem - Former German Linguistic Island in the Kočevje Region (Kočevje: Pokrajinski muzej, 2007).
  • Prikrito in očem zakrito: prikrita grobišča 60 let po koncu druge svetovne vojne ("Hidden to the Eyes: Hidden Graves 60 Years After the End of World War Two") (Celje: Muzej novejše zgodovine, 2005).
  • Prikrivena grobišta Hrvata u Republici Sloveniji - Hidden Graves of Croats in the Republic of Slovenia (Zagreb: Počasni bleiburški vod, 2007).

[edit] See also

[edit] References
