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In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, Mithrim is a land of Middle-earth and also the name for the Sindar Elves living in the region.

Mithrim formed a part of Hithlum, and was the south-western corner of it, bordering Dor-lómin to the east, from which it was divided by the Mountains of Mithrim. Mithrim's climate was the same as Hithlum's, the air was cool and the winters was cold but it was a fair land.

The area was home to a great lake, the Lake of Mithrim, which was the body of water north of Beleriand where the Noldor first dwelt in Middle-earth: the Sons of Fëanor on the northern shore and Fingolfin's host on the southern shore.

The Noldor dwelt here for a while until their feud was healed, and they removed to other lands. Mithrim was also home to Sindarin Elves, who soon mingled with the Noldor after they had learned Sindarin.

Later in the First Age Mithrim was ruled by Fingolfin, as it formed the most densely populated part of Hithlum.
