Mission EDitor

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The game's mission editor, which comes bundled with DFX.
The game's mission editor, which comes bundled with DFX.

Mission Editor is a map editing tool for most NovaLogic games, which is in your game folder, and every game has a different MED (short of Mission EDitor). In Delta Force: Black Hawk Down it is called DFBHDMED, in Delta Force Xtreme, DFXMED. Joint Operations does not have an MED but you can download NILE (NovaLogic Interactive Level Editor) at NovaLogic offical site, or you can download the modified DFXMED to edit a map. Although most games come with map editors now they remain a largely complicated program that may take many hours to master. These programs very rarely have user support as they are similar to the original programs used to create the maps, and so tend to be very complex.