Miss Universe 1982

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Miss Universe 1982, the 31st Miss Universe pageant, was held at Coliseo Amauta in Lima, Peru on July 26, 1982. Seventy-seven contestants competed in the pageant and Karen Dianne Baldwin of Canada was crowned Miss Universe 1982.


[edit] Results

Countries and territories which sent delegates and results.
Countries and territories which sent delegates and results.
  • Miss Universe 1982: Karen Baldwin (Canada).
  • The runners-up were:
    • 1st runner-up: Patty Chong Kerkos (Guam)
    • 2nd runner-up: Cinzia Fiordeponti (Italy)
    • 3rd runner-up: Tina Roussou (Greece)
    • 4th runner-up: Terri Utley (USA)
  • The delegates who made the top twelve were: Celice Pinto Márques da Silva (Brazil), Della Frances Dolan (England), Sari Kaarina Aspholm (Finland), Kerstin Natalie Paeserack (Germany), María Francesca Zaza Reinoso (Peru), Odette Octavia Scrooby (South Africa) and Silvia Beatriz Vila Abavian (Uruguay).

[edit] Special awards

  • Congeniality: Maureen Teresa Lewis (Cayman Islands)
  • Photogenic: Marilyn Burki (Bahamas)
  • National Costume: Maria Francesca Zaza Reinoso ("Pallas de Corongo") (Peru)
  • Miss Press: Patty Chong Kerkos (GUAM)

[edit] Contestants

[edit] Trivia

  • In the Parade of Nations, contestants were introduced in alphabetical order, in which each candidate recites her name, hometown, and country. However, Miss Greece was conspicuously absent in the parade (probably because she hadn't her national costume), which allowed Miss Guam to introduce herself before Miss Guadeloupe. This caused the alphabetical order to be disrupted. This made Hong Kong before Honduras, India before Iceland, and more. When Miss Venezuela and Miss Wales stepped up to the microphone, they introduced themselves at the same time.
  • Miss Germany distrupted the order when she was called as semifinalist: she walked next to Miss USA, instead of Miss Guam. Miss Greece was called next, and she stood next to Miss Guam.
  • Bahamas and Cayman Islands, who competed in Miss World seven years apart, won the award for Miss Photogenic and Miss Amity.
  • Belgium, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Denmark,England, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala and Norway competed in Miss World 1982 in London four months later. Finland, Sari Kaarina Aspholm and England, Della Dolan, who crowned as Miss United Kingdom, placed as 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up in Miss World. Cayman Islands and Denmark placed as semi-finalists, while Germany, semi-finalist in Miss Universe 1982, was unplaced.
  • Wales, who was unplaced in Miss Universe, competed as United Kingdom in Miss World 1981 where she was placed as 4th runner-up.
  • One out of 76 contestants in the Miss Universe 1982 was deceased. Chile, Jenny Purto Arab, who did not make the semi-finals, died of liver cancer in 2006.