
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NOTE:MOVE User:Miranda/words to User:Neil/words. Also see User:Miranda/Neil/header for talk page instructions.

Committed identity: 853e166dcaf3fc2957a623d8f01cdef5f81b29eb003d22cd159d69efd19dddb298b666479937cab11d98b70b68538c34f7a39c01e020d453e85c13d88b0d573f is an SHA-512 commitment to my real-life identity. So there.
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I am human, 28, and live in Chester. I have also lived in Wales and Birmingham. I used to work for the NHS, and now work for the government (boooo). I have a master's degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, but don't ask me about anything related to the topic, as I have now forgotten it all, not having used it since graduation.[1] Thanks to work, I have full premium access to the Encyclopedia Britannica online - if you need any references from there, let me know and I'll try and help.

Chester, England
Chester, England

I used to be known as User:Proto[2] (and still am on the rare occasions I need to use IRC[3]). I made my first (logged in[4]) edit on 31 March 2005[5]. I am one of the 1555 administrators on the English Wikipedia. Feel free to ask me any questions relating to any of my admin actions - or any other actions - either via my talk page, or email me.

I am erratically active, as I have a very busy and hectic social schedule, and only really use Wikipedia when I am bored in work. I have not died in a cricket accident.[6][7]

[edit] Stuff I tend to do:

This user is a rouge admin.
This user is a rouge admin.

[edit] RFA Nominations:

People who I have nominated for requests for adminship:

N Ben
Y Henrik
Y Hersfold

Cabal approved message

[edit] Key Wikipedia Guidelines:

These are good for newbies and oldies.

[edit] Helpful links:

Other helpful links:

[edit] Depository of random:

  • User:Neil/quack - An indepth and challenging essay on the duck test and what the latest ArbCom developments portend for Wikipedia over the next 12 to 18 months
  • A minor aim in life - to form a band / write a novel / create a major website or a magazine called Main Page, forcing Wikipedia to have to disambiguate its front page. Muahahaha!
  • My admirable and never-followed (even by me) admin standards: User:Neil/standards
  • 650th most awesome - official[8]
  • If you add up all the admin actions, I am the 105th most active admin (as of 10 January 2008). Clearly I'm not deleting and blocking enough. Must do better![9]
Iz srsly.
Iz srsly.

[edit] Edit milestones:

Aarrgh...for piracy!
Aarrgh...for piracy!

[edit] Projects:

I'm a member of the following WikiProjects:

[edit] Accounts:

Eliza Dushku is hot.
Eliza Dushku is hot.
  • I have little used accounts on:
Meta-WikiMeta (here)
WiktionaryWiktionary (here)
WikibooksWikibooks (here)
Commons (here)
Wikipedia The French Wikipedia (ici), which I use very rarely, but want to use more to better my French
Wikipedia The Dutch Wikipedia (shtop), despite not speaking Dutch. There was a good reason, I forget what it was now.
Wikipedia The German Wikipedia (achtung!), which I thought I may as well set up.
  • Any other accounts you see with the name Neil or Proto are not me (at least, not until single sign-on is implemented and I take them all[19])

[edit] Self love:

Pages I have started (or completely scrapped and rewritten). Not that I'm not proud of other pages I've started (it's over 250 now[20]), but these are special for some reason or another. No particular order.

[edit] To do:

A baby komodo dragon.  Aaaahhhhh.
A baby komodo dragon. Aaaahhhhh.

[edit] Footnotes:

  1. ^ And I don't feel guilty at all. HAH!
  2. ^ Usurpation request
  3. ^ Because, of course, I'm too lazy to change it
  4. ^ Let's pretend this never happened. What's more, forget that I also got it wrong.
  5. ^ My First Edit
  6. ^ "Died in a cricket accident" had no hits on Google ([1]), and I wanted to see if this meant my user page became the only hit. This was inspired by xkcd. And as of February 2008, my page is the only hit for "died in a cricket accident" on Google! Woopah.
  7. ^ More - "Died in a kerplunk accident", "Died in a bandage accident", "Died in a snooker accident", "Died in a banana accident", "Died in a puppy accident", "Died in a parcheesi accident", "Died in a facebook accident", "Died in a moonwalking accident", "Died in a pooping accident", "Died in a boomerang accident", "died in a wikipedia accident". Muauahahaha!
  8. ^ Not official. My highest ever ranking! I am winning!!!
  9. ^ Admin stats
  10. ^ Like, whoaaah
  11. ^ Relaly fkreay
  12. ^ User creation date and ID tool
  13. ^ "The parties are advised to chill."
  14. ^ 1,000th edit
  15. ^ 5,000th edit
  16. ^ 10,000th edit
  17. ^ 15,000th edit
  18. ^ 20,000th edit
  19. ^ Muahahaha!
  20. ^ User:Bryan/List of users by pages created
  21. ^ Who says AFD is not cleanup?
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Multi-licensed with Creative Communism
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under the GFDL and the terms of creative communism. Use it as you seem fit. Spread it. Take what you want, add, remove, change and improve. Why not sign with your own name and claim authorship? One rule, however: Don't you ever try subjecting this material under the terms of copyright, intellectual property, or similar licenses of evil. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the terms of communism, please check the multi-licensing guide, or use a peer-to-peer network to override such restrictions of free use.