Mirzapur Cadet College

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Mirzapur Cadet College
Motto: Knowledge is Power
Demonym Mirzapurian
Date of establishment November 29, 1963
at Mirzapur Upazila in Tangail
First academic year 1965
Location Union: Gorai
Upazilla: Mirzapur
District: Tangail
On the Dhaka-Tangail Trank Road.
Color Maroon
Area 95 acres
No. of houses 3
First Principal Michael William Pitt
Fazlul Huq House named after A. K. Fazlul Huq
Search Struggle Victory
Suhrawardy House named after Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
Vini Vidi Vici
Nazrul House named after Kazi Nazrul Islam
Ever Erect is My Head

Mirzapur Cadet College (Bengali: মির্জাপুর ক্যাডেট কলেজ) is the third cadet college of Bangladesh. Like other cadet colleges it also follows the national curricula prescribed by the National Curriculam and Textbook Board (NCTB) and gives special emphasis on extracurricular and co-curricular activities.


[edit] Location

Mirzapur Cadet College is situated very near to the point of intersection of the 90o9' east longitudinal line and the 24o5.3' north latitudinal line. The river Bongshi has gone through the east side of the college and through the south and south-west side the river Barinda has gone. Again the river Footjani joins with Barinda at the west side. The college is 8 km south of Mirzapur Upazilla proper.

[edit] History

After the establishment of Faujderhat Cadet College in Chittagong district and Jhenaidah Cadet College in the Khulna division the foundation of Momenshahi Cadet College (former name of Mirzapur Cadet College) was being planned. Like others the objective of this plan was to prepare eligible and fit army officer for the Pakistan Army.

[edit] East Pakistan Period

The then president of Pakistan Field Marshall Ayub Khan took initiatives to establish the cadet college. He laid the foundation stone of Momenshahi Cadet College at the Mirzapur Upazila in Mymensingh District of Bangladesh on November 29, 1963. The foundation stone is still there on the wall of the main academy building of the college.

After then relevant constructions were going on which was much tough as the area was not suitable having so many hilly strips. The area was totally changed after the completion of the construction; the change was from wild to civilized environment. Major General Fazle Mukim Khan formally opened the college on January 9, 1965. The first principal was Mr. Michael William Pitt.

Academic activities started from that year with as many as three intakes, that is, intakes in Classes 7, 8 and 9.

[edit] Liberation War Period

After the 7th March Speech a violent procession by an angry mob entered into the College campus on 8th morning. Inter Cadet College Cricket Competition was going on at that time. Principal Wng Comd Sulaiman Haider Kayani closed the college then and then and send all the cadets home. Since then the college remained closed. During the liberation war the college was opened in the first week of November 1971. Mr Wahab was acting principal at that time. College campus was kept under guard by Rajakars. In each House the ground floors were kept vacant and Rajakars were staying there. The cadets were send to the first floors. Presence of cadets were about 50%. Every night the sounds of firing as well as explosions were heard. Probably there was a raid by Freedom Fighters (Kaderia Bahini) occurred in one night. The College was closed on the next day , probably on 20th Nov. Following that incident, by next week a number of bridges were destroyed and the Tangail Road was cut off. The College never opened before the Independence. During the War Military camps were established by Pakistan Forces.

[edit] Bangladesh Period

Foundation stone of Mirzapur Cadet College
Foundation stone of Mirzapur Cadet College

[edit] Academic system

Cadets are enrolled in the seventh grade. They continue their study for six years. The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) is the final examination to pass.

Each class generally has fifty students. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations are administered under direct control of the Board of Education of Dhaka Division.

All the faculty members are very well qualified. Rules are very stringent. All the examination dates are announced in the Academic Calendar at the beginning of each academic year.

[edit] Departments

[edit] Infrastructure

[edit] Museum

There is an up to date museum in the college. It is situated just beside the Arts and crafts department. Actually the department office is inside the museum. The museum is decorated in such a way so as to reflect the history and heritage of the college and as hole to represent the Cadet College heritage. some of the stuffs in the museum are:

  • Pictures of the historical events regarding MCC and the cadet colleges in Bangladesh.
  • A complete map of the college.

[edit] Dining Hall

All cadets take their meals together in the dining hall. The dining hall has three big rows of tables and benches for cadets of three residential houses respectively. There are separate seating facilities for the prefects and the duty master generally known as the " High Table". Five meals are served everyday. The first Butler of the Dining Hall was 'Mr. Hitler' and the mess waiter was "Ghaura Mannan".

[edit] Houses

When the academic activities of the college started on January 9, 1965, there were only two houses - Jinnah (now Fazlul Huq House) and Liaquat (now Suhrawardy House) for students' accommodation. Later Ayub House (now Nazrul House) was constructed to accommodate more students to its full capacity.

  • Fazlul Huq House: The first house of MCC. At the very beginning it was named "Jinnah House". After the independence of Bangladesh the present name appeared. As the first it occupies some identical traditions and norms. The logo of this house is Search, Struggle, Victory. House color is blue, and symbol is tiger. It is also called as Tiger's den.
  • Suhrawardy House: The middle house of MCC. Named after the mainstream renowned democratic leader of Bangladesh Hussein Shahid Suhrawardy. Logo is eagle and therefore also called Eagle's realm. MOtto of this house is VINI VIDI VICI.
  • Nazrul House: The green house. Named after the national poet of Bangladesh, Kazi Nazrul Islam. House logo is lion and so called as Lion House.

[edit] Mosque

[edit] Hospital

Mirzapur Cadet College has a separate hospital specifically for all the cadets and employees. A full time doctor from the Army Medical Corps is appointed along with several qualified assistants.

All the medicines are provided free of cost. Sick cadets can report at the hospital every morning. The hospital is open 24 hours to accommodate any special needs.

Critical cases are directly referred to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Dhaka Cantonment.

[edit] Library

Entrance to the house area
Entrance to the house area
Gate of the house area
Gate of the house area
Circular ground in front od the academy building
Circular ground in front od the academy building

Mirzapur Cadet College has a superb library named as Shahid Khurshid Smriti Granthagar.The library is named after the martyr of the Liberation War of Bangladesh who was a cadet of this college. there is a portrait of Khurshid Ali on the wall of the library. The library consists of around 18000 books of ample races. Leading daily newspapers and weekly magazines are available for cadets and staffs. The special characteristics of this library is that it is regularly updated by the new books. Many ex-cadets contribute to the library by donating ample rich books.

[edit] Clubs and societies

  • Quranic Society : The members of this society practise Telawah of the holy Quran and are taught principles and significance of the holy verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad Sm. They are also enlightened with the teachings and knowledge of the lifestyle of Muhammad Sm.
  • Bengali Literary and Cultural Society : Members of this society explore the wonderful realm of Bengali literature. They practise acting by playing various roles of famous characters portrayed by famous Bengali dramatists. Also poetry recitation, debate and extempore speeches are practised.
  • English Society : The aim of the society is to generate enthusiasm in the minds of the members about English language and literature and to enable them to use easy, accurate and day-to-day English. Members also practise recitation, Elocution , public speaking and debate.
  • Geography Society : The usual thirst aroused by the enigmatic space and it's mystical stars, planets, Earth is mitigated by the activities of this club.
  • Hiking Club : The luxuriance of the sylvan surrounding of the college is much thrilling. While going on hiking the members of this society take immense pleasure by being in close proximity to nature.
  • Photography Club : The members learn the art of photography and show their talent by capturing special moments of their cadet life in photographs.
  • Biology Club : The study of the life and structure of plants and animals make the cadets curious more and more about bthe way in which the body and cells of a living thing behave. This club provides the cadets best possible idea on the subject in an interesting way.
  • Natural Study Club : Members explore the nature to discover it's beauties and varieties. Usually they explore the beautiful site adjacent to the college lake.
  • Physics Club : The scientific study of force (like heat, light and sound), astrophysics and Geo-physics (Earth's atmosphere, climate and ocean) are their subjects of learning. All the members try to get the practicsal idea about these things.
  • Chemistry Club : The members learn how the substances react when in contact with one another and how they behave under difficult conditions. By being attached with this club the club learners derive basic knowledge of the mystery of science.
  • Computer Club : Members get an opportunity to develop their creative faculties by knowing how the information are stored, organized, how calculations are done and other machines controlled. they also derive a lot of entertainment.
  • First Aid Club : This club makes the cadets conscious about how to maintain sound health and hygiene. It provides training on first aid practically.
  • Wood Work Club : This club trains the cadets how they can make things of everyday use.
  • Music Club : The members of this club practise and play instruments under the guidance of a music teacher. It includes practise on Tagore song, Nazrul song, Rural (Bangla-পল্লী) song, Modern song, Classical song and Band song as well.
  • General Knowledge and Current Affairs Club : This club holds stage demonstrations on current affairs. Thus they help to boost the general knowledge of other cadets.
  • Arts and Crafts Club : The objective of this club is to nourish and develop cadet's latent creative talents in paintings.

[edit] Statistics

List of Principals
Mr. Michael William Pitt 1.5.1964 - 31.3.1967
Lt. Col. MD. Ali Ansari S.K. 1.4.1967 - 31.12.1969
Wing Commander S.H. Quayani 1.1.1970 - 15.8.1971
Prof. M.A. Aziz 29.9.1972 - 8.4.1973
Wing Commander AKM Badiur Rahman 9.4.1973 - 8.5.1976
Commander M. Habibur Rahman Talukder 15.6.1976 - 25.5.1978
Mr. Syed Salimullah 26.5.1978 - 16.3.1981
Mr. F.M. Abdur Rob 17.3.1981 - 5.6.1986
Mr. Mufazzal Hossain 18.6.1986 - 9.8.1991
Mr. Syed Salimullah 10.8.1991 - 21.2.1996
Lt. Col. Maqbulur Rahman, AEC 11.5.1996 - 22.9.1997
Mr. MD. Mahatabuddin 23.9.1997 - 28.7.1998
Mr. MD. Rais Uddin Ahmed 1.9.1998 - 1.12.2001
Mr. Rafiqul Islam 2.12.2001 -

[edit] Statistics of the first

  • Principal: Mr. Michael William Pitt
  • Adjutant: Captain Sayed Ali Ansar
  • Doctor: Dr. Hafizul Hasan
  • Vice Principal: Professor A Wahab
  • House Masters:
    • Jinnah (now Fazlul Huq) House: Mr. Abdul Gafur
    • Liaquat (now Suhrawardy) House: Mr. Saifuddin Ahmed
    • Ayub (now Nazrul) House:
  • House Tutors:
    • Jinnah (now Fazlul Huq) House:
    • Liaquat (now Suhrawardy) House:
    • Ayub (now Nazrul) House:
  • OIC, Dining Hall: Mr. R M M Yakub
  • Senior Cadet: Jahangir Haque
  • College Cultural Prefect: Ziaur Rahman
  • College Games Prefect:
  • College Dining Hall Prefect: M M Matin
  • House Leaders:
    • Fazlul Huq House: Zia Uddin Ahmed
    • Suhrawardy House: Zia Uddin Ahmed
    • Nazrul House: Yousuf Habibur Rahman

[edit] Prominent Mirzapurians

  • Atiur Rahman
  • Alamgir, Pakistani Pop singer.
  • Mohammad Giasuddin, notable nuclear physicist
  • Ahmed Ataul Hakeem- Comptroller & Auditor General Of Bangladesh
  • Major General Sina Ibn Jamali,ndc,psc CGS of Bangladesh Army
  • Feroz Mahmud
  • Col Hanif Iqbal - Duduk
  • Syed Nazmul Ahsan
  • Major General Golam Mohammad,awc,psc - DG, DGFI
  • Dr. Mohammad Tamim - Special Assistant to Chief Advisor
  • Lt General Md Abdul Mubeen, ndc,psc-PSO,AFD
  • Major General Mohammad Shamim Chowdhury,nwc,psc -GOC 24 Infantry Division
  • Major General Ziaur Rahman,psc - GOC ARTDOC
  • Dr Fahim Munayem - Press Secretary to the Honourable Chief Advisor

[edit] External links

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