Miroslav Volf

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Miroslav Volf, Yale Theological Conversation, Yale Divinity School, February 2006; Photograph: Virgil Vaduva
Miroslav Volf, Yale Theological Conversation, Yale Divinity School, February 2006; Photograph: Virgil Vaduva

Miroslav Volf (Born in Osijek, Croatia - 1956), is an influential Christian theologian and currently the Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale University Divinity School and Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture. He has been a member in both the Episcopal Church (USA) and the Evangelical Church in Croatia. He is widely known for his works on systematic theology, ethics, conflict resolution, and peace-making. Recently he contributed the essay, "Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Justice" to a new text on the atonement, Stricken by God? Nonviolent Identification and the Victory of Christ.

He studied at Evangelical-Theological Faculty, Zagreb (B.A), Fuller Theological Seminary (M.A) in Pasadena, California, and University of Tübingen (Dr. Theol., Dr. Theol. habil.), where he studied under Jürgen Moltmann.

His book Exclusion and Embrace, was selected as among the 100 best religious books of the 20th Century by Christianity Today. [1]

Volf is formerly a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary.

[edit] Books

  • The End of Memory: Remembering Rightly in a Violent World" 2006
  • Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace New York: Zondervan, 2006
  • After Our Likeness: The Church As The Image Of The Trinity Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1998
  • I Znam da sunce ne boji se tame. Teoloske meditacije o Santicevu vjerskom pjesnistvu ("The Sun Is Not Afraid of the Darkness." Theological Meditations on the Poetry of Aleksa Santic) Osijek: Izvori, 1986
  • Zukunft der Arbeit -- Arbeit der Zukunft. Der Arbeitsbegriff bei Karl Marx und seine theologische Wertung München/Mainz: Christian Kaiser, 1988
    • Translation into Croatian: Buducnost rada -- rad buducnosti. Pojam rada u Karla Marxa i njegovo teolosko vrednovanje (Biblioteka Filozofska istrazivanja 46) Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko drustvo, 1991
  • Work in the Spirit. Toward a Theology of Work New York: Oxford University Press, 1991
  • Gerechtigkeit, Geist und Schöpfung. Die Oxford-Erklärung zur Frage von Glaube und Wirtschaft (ed. with Hermann Sautter) Wuppertal: Brockhaus, 1992
  • The Future of Theology. Essays in Honor of Jürgen Moltmann (ed. with T. Kucharz and C. Krieg) Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996
    • German edition: Theologie auf dem Weg in das dritte Jahrtausend Gütersloh: Christian Kaiser, 1996
  • Exclusion and Embrace. A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation Nashville: Abingdon, 1996
    • Translation into Croatian: Iskljucenje i zagrljaj. Teolosko promisljanje identiteta, drugosti i pomirenja Zagreb: Step Press, 1998
  • Trinität und Gemeinschaft. Eine ökumenische Ekklesiologie Mainz/Neukirchen-Vlyn: Grünewald/Neukirchener, 1996
    • Translation into English: After Our Likeness. The Church as the Image of the Trinity Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998
  • A Spacious Heart. Essays on Identity and Belonging (with Judith M. Gundry-Volf) Harrisburg: Trinity Press, 1997
  • A Passion for God's Reign. Theology, Christian Learning, and the Christian Self (ed.) Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Books of the Century" (April 24, 2000). Christianity Today 44 (5). 

[edit] External links