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Mirdadzai or Meerdadzai is a sub-caste of Kakar Khudiadadzai. Mirdadzai people are popular due to the great warrior Saifullah Khan. He was the most prominent personality among his people. He was a brave, hospitable, confident and a wise person. He fought against every evil in his time and was a great lover of Islam. Apart from all these he was a Khan. People often say that Saifullah Khan was a cruel person. But its really wrong concept and idea of the people. He was a very passionate person, but to bear evil things, it was out of his reach. He often burt into flames whenever he saw any fault or irregularity in Pashtoon society. At such occasions his swords could take long decissions.

Saifullah khan was very much persistent, he faced the British army with great courage and defeated them. For his bravery a part of zhob was named before him. There is no doubt that at his time great Nawabs and Sardars were present. But he was credited for the city name as Killa Saifullah, only due to his bravery.

The family of Saifullah khan is still settled in killa saifullah city, and his remnants are safely restored.