User talk:Mind in Homeopathy

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MIND in Homeopathy- Dr.Sridhar.G

An age old controversy! Whether mind and body are two separate entities or mind is an epiphenomenon of the body, its nervous system and brain. Different schools of thought have given their view. The cells of our body gets completely replaced within seven years, but that of mind remains the same throughout the life. Body changes, grows and decays with the age where as mind maintains its identity and continuity. Body ages with the years while the mind gets only more experienced and wise. Mind is related with thinking function. Any thing which does not think has no mind and is non- mental. When a person is dead he can not think. Remembering, calculating, wishing, analyzing, introspecting, intending something to do, etc. are kinds of thinking and anger, sorrow, happiness, pleasure are the accessory of the thinking process. A mental phenomenon is that which is capable of thinking, but does not occupy space or is not extended in space. Aristotle used the word “Psyche” for this. According to him “thinking is the talking of the soul with itself” and this thinking process is a psychic process or mental process.

Definition: - 1. Dorland’s Pocket Manual Dictionary- The psyche; the faculty of brain function by which one is aware of his surroundings and by which one experiences feelings, emotions, and desires and is able to attend , reason and make decisions. 2. Chamber’s 21st Century Dictionary- The power of thinking and understanding; the intelligence. The place where thoughts, feelings, creative reasoning exists; the intellect. 3. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary- The organ or seat of consciousness and higher function of the human brain such as cognition, reasoning, willing emotions. 4. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Psychology- Mind is one of the two basic characteristics of existence. Mind represents the primary and irreducible principle of innate consciousness. Mind is the activity of nervous system and brain subjectively experienced as consciousness. 5. Plato- Mind is an extremely non- material entity, separate and distinct from human body having control direct and adulate. 6. Bateson- Mind is the thinking process characterized by perception and action. 7. Santiago theory- Mind is the very process of life. It is the essence of being alive. 8. Bateson’s View- Mind is a necessarily and inevitable consequence of a certain complex process which begins long before the organism develops a brain and higher nervous system. There are two different views on mind. 1. Mind is the derivative of matter; matter is primary and mind is secondary. 2. Mind is independent of matter; mental world is different and physical world is different. Characteristics of mind-1. Can not be measured by space or time. 2. Not sense perceptible. 3. Do not obey fix law. 4. So behavior is unpredictable. 5. Mind’s nature can only be studied by observing the expressions or the functions of the mental being. 6. Multidirectional- Can attend to so many objects at a time. 7. Frequently changes from one object to another object. 8. Without the attention of mind sense organ can not perceive and the proverb “eyes can not see what mind does not know” 9. Not subject to inter-subjective verification. 10. Mind is capable of rectifying its mistakes. 11. Can not remain without one object. 12. Mind is a controlling phenomenon. 13. As it thinks so it becomes.

Functions of mind-1. Self Consciousness: Mind can fix its objects itself. When mind thinks in right or wrong way it can detects its function, i.e. it can distinguish whether it is thinking in a right or a wrong way, because it is conscious. Individual in order to perceive something must be conscious. Under anesthesia one can not perceive anything. 2. Self regulated: It can move in its direction wherever it wants; i.e. it can move in a spiritual or material way. Consciousness controls mind- Mind controls brain- Brain controls body. 3. Thinking: Mind is understood by its process of thinking. 4. Experiences: Certain experiences in daily life changes the attitude of mind i.e. trust & distrust. Layers of mind: - Mind is a multi-layered phenomenon. 1. Annamaya Kossa- Crudest forms of the mind; intimately related with the body. Body oriented, body conscious, body centered mind or vegetative mind22. 2. Karmamaya Kossa- Consciousness: Conscious mind. This layer deals with genesis, perception, control of desires associated with body22. 3. Manamaya Kossa- Intellect: Seat of the memory, contemplation, dreams, intellect. Whatever is perceived in Karamamaya Kossa is stored in this layer22. 4. Atimanas Kossa- Intuitions, Inventions, Discoveries22. 5. Bijanamaya Kossa- Sense of discrimination, sense of detachment. Realization of entity in every object22. 6. Hiranmaya Kossa- Sense of blissful state, salvation. Beyond the kossa there is no mind22. Creation of Mind:- Pure matter- Matter with life- Matter with life and mind. Stages of mind:- Torpor Instinct Intelligence Intuition

Tree Animal Higher mind Man Stone Behavior, sex Self Defense Reason gifted DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MATTER AND MIND MATTER MIND 1. Extends in the space Un-extended in space 2. Can not think Can think 3. Have distinct qualities as a matter Distinct qualities as mental 4. We have knowledge of it by observation. So it is object in nature. It is subjective in nature. What we see is it its response.

How Mind is related to the material world, especially those bits of material world those are having mind; i.e. living organism (body)? Mind- non- spatial thinking substance Matter- Spatial; extended substance There are two schools of thoughts. 1. Monism- Materialism Idealism\ Vitalism\ Spiritualism - Eliminative materialism - Reductive Materialism - Behavioral Materialism 2. Dualism- - Parallelism - Occasionalism - Epiphenomenological 1. Monistic School:- (I) Materialistic School: Mind is the result of material body. Matter in motion. The material, the matter, body is primary. The mental desiring, thinking, doubting all are non-existence- secondary. (a) Eliminative Materialism- There is no such things such as sensation, emotion, perception or images and there never have been such. As per this view all such talks are meaningless noises. Part of a theory that are out molded scientifically fruitless and to be discarded. (b) Reductive Materialism: According to this view there are indeed such things as sensation, perception or images and emotions. But they are only the complicated form the matter in motion. (C) Behavioralism: (Central State Theory, or Newton theory) – All sensations, pains are nothing but behavior of an individual particularly of higher creative, depending on physical body and particular brain. All these materialism are known as physicalism.

   (ii) Idealism: - Coined by George Barkley; According to him real 

entity is mental, whatever we see around us in this physical world, we can derive from this through sense of perception and by this we form idea. This idea gives reality about the thing. All the physical world mountain, river, trees etc present because it is present in the mind. Hahnemann belongs to this group Idealistic or Vitalistic. 2. Dualistic School (Cartesian School) - A school of thought where philosophers believe in the existence of two entities simultaneously; i.e. Matter & Energy or Body & Mind. In the field of psychology, biology, physiology, etc this body and mind exists with a perfect harmony with each other. This school of thought affects the philosophical world much. The most important figure in dualistic school was “Rene Descartes” (1596-1650). After his name, this is known as “Cartesian Dualism”. According to him there are two separate worlds. a. A world of mind and Mentality/ Intellectual b. A world of Physical body He world- “Cagito ergosum”- I think, therefore I am. “Congito ergosum” – I doubt, therefore I am. He told I can deny the material existence o f the body but I can not deny myself.” There is some casual relationship between this mind and body. One is related to the other. This distinct subject happens to be present in joint together and can not be separated by principles.