
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Picture of the day
United States Capitol dome, 1846

A daguerreotype of the United States Capitol in 1846, with the original green copper dome as designed by Charles Bulfinch. Over time, extensions to both the north and south wings, made to accommodate the addition of new states to the Union, made the dome aesthetically displeasing, and as a result, it was replaced by a white cast iron dome which was completed in 1866.

Daguerreotype credit: John Plumbe
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This userbox has taken over this userpage!
Name This user's name is Josh.
All your base are belong to MinnesotanConfederacy.
This user wants to be your friend.
This user is friends with Indoles.
This user is friends with Bavor.
This user is friends with ReluctantPhilosopher.
This user is a jokester or comedian.
This user is unhappy.
This user is polite and expects others to act accordingly.
This user likes when people are nice.
This user does not understand mean people. Please be nice.
This user loves userboxes.
This user likes to use redundant userboxes that are redundant.
infinite ubxs This user has infinite userboxes.
Too many userboxes This user may have too many userboxes ... nah, no way!!
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user provides information using userboxes to contact other Wikipedians with similar interests.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up his/her user page instead of actually writing something useful.
This user's entire personality can be summed up in a few userboxes.
This user overuses userboxes.
ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
UBX This user hopes you read each and every one of his) userboxes! or else...
This user is opposed to the Police-State-like war on userboxes.
This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know.
This user is not afraid of being wrong.
:( This user hates to get yelled at.
blah blah blah This user is full of a bunch of long, rambling stories.
There's a funny story about that...
It is possible this User is human. Please approach with extreme caution.
This Userbox is hungry & likes to eat Wikipedians.
This user finds everything funny. Hee-hee-hee! Look at that tree! It's hilarious!
This user is one of an infinite number of monkeys editing Wikipedia right now.
ego This user is a deluded egomaniac.

sane This user is relatively sane and will not stab you when you sleep
This user has never been arrested.
Mr. T This user pities the fool!
This user does not exist. However, if this user begins to exist, seek shelter immediately.
This user has never been slurped up by aliens in the Bermuda Triangle.
This user is a vampire and wants to suck your blood.
☢ This user is a mutant.
☢ This user is an escaped genetic experiment.
This user is evil, and frequently says mwhahaha!
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user has no idea who Mr Ducky is, but wanted to join in the fun.
This user lives in or hails from the state of Minnesota.
This user is from the Twin Cities.
This user lives in the
United States of America.
This user is a citizen of the United States of America.
This user has visited 10 of the 50 States.
This user is a native speaker of American English.
tl-1 Ang tagagamit na ito ay nakakapag-ambag ng Tagalog sa mababang antas.
... This user would like to be able to speak some more languages.
ft-lb This user uses American Measurements.
This user is of Wikipedian ancestry.
This user is of English ancestry.
This user is Irish.
This user is of French ancestry.
This user is of German ancestry.
:Category:User Welsh This user is proud to be Welsh.
This user is of Danish ancestry.
This user is of Native American ancestry.
God This user believes in God.
This user believes in the divinity and historicity of Jesus Christ.
This user is a Christian.
This user respects the beliefs and religions of others.
respect This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
This user prays.
22 This Wikipedian is 22 years, 8 months, and 22 days old
on June 11, 2008.
This user was born during the Reagan administration
This user is a Virgo.
This user was born in the year of the Ox.
A This user is an adult.
This user is a child at heart. They may have grown older but they'll never grow up.
80s This user is a child of the 80s.
90s This user is a child of the 90s.
This user believes sarcasm is the highest form of wit.
This user identifies as straight.
0 This user ranks a 0 on the Kinsey scale.
This user is straight but not narrow.
This user is single.
This user has a crush on someone.
This user has a crush on you.
This user loves you. So what are ya doing Saturday night hot stuff?
This user is male.


No Job This user is currently unemployed
..... This user is a professional procrastinator.
This user cannot drive.
bro This user has a little brother
This user is right-handed.
A.S. This user has
Asperger syndrome.
This user has depression.
OCD This user lives with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
This user is short-sighted.

G This user's favourite colour is green.
This user has never left the Northern Hemisphere.
This user has never left the Western Hemisphere.
This user would like to visit the Philippines.
This user would like to visit Vietnam.
This user would like to visit Thailand.
This user would like to visit Malaysia.
This user would like to visit India.
This user would like to visit the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
This user would like to visit the Republic of the Congo.
This user would like to visit Botswana.
This user would like to visit Rwanda.
This user would like to visit Gabon.
This user would like to visit Ethiopia.
This user would like to visit Eritrea.
This user would like to visit Zambia.
This user would like to visit Malawi.
This user would like to visit Kenya.
This user would like to visit Tanzania.
This user would like to visit Uganda.
This user would like to visit Ghana.
This user would like to visit Senegal.
This user would like to visit Benin.
This user would like to visit Togo.
This user would like to visit Burkina Faso.
This user would like to visit the Central African Republic.
This user would like to visit Equatorial Guinea.
This user is a carnivore.
This user loves pasta.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user prefers pepperoni pizza.
align=center This user loves hamburgers.
This user eats sufficient quantities of Hot Dogs to positively qualify as an Honorary Hot Dog in their own right.
This user eats cheese.
This user would likely die without eating the occasional curry.
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
This user eats popcorn.
This user loves spaghetti.
BAM! This user believes that gaaahhhlic is a beautiful thing!
This user eats apples.
This user eats bananas.
This user eats raspberries.
This user eats tomatoes.
This user eats bagels.
This user enjoys muffins.
This user loves pancakes.
This user likes waffles.
This user eats carrots.
This user eats salad.
This user eats fish.
This user prefers rare steak.
This user enjoys his/her egg with the sunny side up.
This user eats chocolate.
This user loves brownies.
This user loves cake.
This user enjoys jelly beans.
abc This user eats M & M's.
You better keep your hands off my peeps!
This user likes pie.
RP This user knows they eat Reese's Pieces in heaven.
This user eats Swedish Fish.
This user is absolutely obssessed with sour gummy worms!
This user eats cookies.
This user eats Gingerbread Cookies.
This user eats Peanut Butter Cookies.
This user likes Chocolate chip cookies.
This user likes Ice cream.
This user eats at McDonald's
This user eats at Quiznos Sub.
This user eats at Taco Bell.
This user likes to eat
Thai food
This user loves
Indian Food
A&W This user loves A&W Root Beer
ginger ale This user drinks ginger ale.
Coke This user drinks Coca-Cola.
This user prefers Coca-Cola over Pepsi.
PEPSI This user misses Crystal Pepsi.
PEPSI This user misses Pepsi Blue.
This user drinks coffee.

This user would rather drink coffee than tea.
This user believes that Caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
This user drinks milk.
This user drinks chocolate milk.
This user drinks orange juice.
This user drinks hot chocolate.
This user drinks green tea.
This user drinks mint tea (Touareg Tea).
This user drinks oolong tea .
C2H5OH-1 This user drinks relatively infrequently. He or she is probably the better for it.
C2H5OH-2 This user drinks occasionally.
This user does not smoke.
This user is drug-free.
This user is a cat lover.
This user's home is overrun with cats.
This user is owned by one or more cats.
This user is a caring cat owner.
This user thinks no outfit is complete without cat hair.

This user believes that cats are NOT food.
This user firmly believes that this is a better world because of the presence of dogs.
This user is owned by one or more dogs.
This user owns one or more dogs.
This user thinks that bullfighting should be extinct.

This user enjoys writing.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user enjoys reading almost anything.
This user enjoys reading fiction.
This user enjoys reading non-fiction.
This user reads Marvel Comics.
DC This user reads DC Comics.
G This user does not like Mondays.
This user should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of this user.
V This user knows Ideas are bulletproof!
This user feels the urge to buy just one more copy of The Catcher in the Rye.
This user likes Sherlock Holmes
This user enjoys the works of
Mark Twain.
SK This user enjoys the works of Stephen King.
HP This user is a Harry Potter fan.
This user is a Muggle.
This user is interested in Islamic Architecture.
This user is a history buff.
This user is interested in the History of the Philippines
This user loves the history of the United States.

This user is interested in the history of the Cold War.
This user is interested in the Vietnam War.

This user is interested in the Portuguese Colonial War.

Logo This user is interested in economics.
This user is interested in political science.
This user is interested in politics.
This user is interested in geopolitics.
This user is the Ideal Dictator.
This user is a libertarian.
This user is a Classical liberal.

Lib This user believes in the principles of Libertarianism.

This user likes George Washington.
This user likes Thomas Jefferson.
This user opposes Imperialism.
This user is a Capitalist.
This user is a capitalist.

Capitalism is the idea that people have a right to their property, to free enterprise, and to trade.

This user is a Capitalist, not a managed-trade forced Globalist.
This user does not believe in the existence of equality, except as a social construct.

This user is highly against Communism.
This user is highly against Marxism.
This user believes in the separation of Marxism and state.
This user thinks that communism went out of date 50 years before the signing of Magna Carta
This user rejects all forms of Marxist thinking
This user opposes fascism in all its forms
This user opposes George W. Bush.

George W. Bush This user dislikes Bush, and thinks an untrained chimp could do a better job than him.
George W. Bush This user believes that George W. Bush's edits to the constitution need to be reverted.
George W. Bush This user tries to pretend
George W. Bush
does not exist.
According to the Political Compass this user is:
Economic Right (10.0) and
Social Libertarian (-4.92)
This user prefers that the death penalty be used far more often.
This user believes that torture cannot be justified under any circumstances.
CP This user is in favour of corporal punishment in schools.
This user wants the United Nations to be dissolved
This user does not support the United Nations.
This user trusts the EU (an over-powerful, non-democratic bureaucracy) about as far as they can throw it.
This user thinks that the EU is a stupid idea.
This user would rather the EU headquarters was moved to the South Pole where it can do less harm
This user is a Euroskeptic.
This user is against British membership of the EU, and believes that Britain is better off out.
This user is against the Euro.
This user hopes Britain
NEVER adopts the Euro.
This user is against involuntary military service.

This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.
This user opposes gun control.
This user supports concealed carry laws.
This user finds censorship offensive.
This user is opposed to online censorship.
This user is against computer and video game censorship and regulation.
This user supports
nuclear energy.

This user supports the use of nuclear power.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
abortion This user opposes abortions and laws banning them.
This user is against the War on Drugs.
This user is pro-cannabis.
This user supports the legalization of all drugs for adults.
This user is against the ban on smoking in public places.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X
This user is for racial equality.
This user is for racial equality, but against reverse discrimination.
This user is an ally of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans community.
This user is a supporter of the LGBT community.
This user supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
This user supports the inclusion of sex education in school systems.
This user believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
This user does not trust electronic voting machines.
This user does not support the ACLU.
This user is opposed to the House of Saud.
This user is against Hugo Chávez .
This user knows about the Armenian genocide.
X This user is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
This user is a fan of the 1980s and participates in the 1980s retro movement
This user is addicted to video games.
cvg-4 This user is an expert gamer.
fan-3 This user thinks that Secret of Mana is the best computer or video game ever made.
fan-2 This user loves the computer or video game Chrono Trigger.
fan-2 This user loves the computer or video game Super Mario RPG.
fan-2 This user loves the computer or video game Nintendogs.
? This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user still plays games on the NES.
Nin This user is a Nintendo gamer.
Nintendo This user supports Nintendo.
This user plays games in the Super Mario series.
This user plays games from The Legend of Zelda series.
Congrats! This user found the Triforce!
(-o-) This user plays the Pokémon RPGs and other related video games.
DKC This user plays Donkey Kong Country.
This user plays the Metroid series.
SSB This user is a Super Smash Brother!
This user plays the Final Fantasy series.
This user is addicted to playing the Final Fantasy series.
This user plays Pac-Man.
MK This user enjoys playing the Mortal Kombat game series.

This user plays Soul Blade and the Soul Calibur series.

Image:Rounded Rectangles.svg This user plays games on the Nintendo DS portable console.
Image:Nintendo_ds.png This user prefers the DS Lite over the Original DS
This user thinks the Nintendo DS is the best handheld game console ever!
This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube console.
This user prefers the Wii.
This user manages the NationStates country of Magdha.

TMNT This user is a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Raph This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Raphael.
Leo This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Leonardo.
Mike This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Michelangelo.
Don This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Donatello.
This user is a fan of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.
o_O This user is a moderate fan of anime.
._. This user sometimes reads Manga.
This user demands you Respect my authoritah!
This user watches South Park.
Chef This user misses Chef!
This user killed Kenny. This user is a bastard.
This user likes most types of music.
fan-3 This user loves John Williams.
This user enjoys computer and video game music outside gaming.
This user enjoys film scores.

SW music This user loves Star Wars music.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys Country Music.
cRap This user can't stand rap/hip hop music.
This user enjoys Chinese traditional music.
This user enjoys film.
Coming Soon! This user can't wait for the movie Jurassic Park IV.
This user likes Horror Movies.
UNIVERSAL HORROR This user is a fan of
Universal Horror.
This user is a Star Wars fan.
STAR WARS This user is a true Star Wars fan, and as one, doesn't have any problem with comparing the films to each other.
STAR WARS This user is a true Star Wars fan, and as one, considers the films to be a single work.
This user supports the Rebel Alliance.
This user is a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.
This user supports the
Galactic Empire.
This user is a Jedi.
This user is interested in The Jedi Order.
My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is.
This user is interested in
The Sith Order.
If only you knew the power
of the Dark Side.
STAR WARS This user would shoot Greedo first.
STAR TREK This user is a fan of Star Trek: The Original Series. TOS
trek This user is a Trekker and knows that any real fan is not a Trekkie.
This user attends, has attended, or hopes to attend Starfleet Academy.
Pixar This user likes Pixar and their films.
Never Ending Story This user has visited Fantasia.
This user knows that a boy's best friend is his mother.

This user is on a mission from God.
TA Bak user derka derka derka!
This user is an AFOL.
This user is a Lego enthusiast
This user thinks Sudoku is too hard.
This user passed GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user just sunk your battleship.
This user thinks it was Miss Scarlet in the Conservatory with the Candlestick.
This user enjoys playing chess.
BBC This user watches BBC News.
This user is interested in flags and emblems.
This user studies national anthems
This user is interested in maps.
This user is interested in coin collecting.
This user is interested in Paleontology.
This user is a swimmer.
1+1=3? This user does not understand mathematics.
1337-0 This user has no idea what 1337 is and/or prefers to contribute using proper words.
This user contributes to the Internet Movie Database.
This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
Editing Wikipedia is something this user does as a hobby.
This user uses Gmail as a primary E-mail service.
This user uses Windows Live Messenger and his/her e-mail address is

to / too
/ two
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
their / there / they’re This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they’re worse than their own children at spelling!
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
A, B, and
A and B
This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing.
snkt This user says sneaked.
which & that This user knows how to use which and that correctly.
its & it’s This user understands the difference between its and it’s. So should you.
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
This user loathes, but is forced to observe, Daylight Saving Time.
END This user has no more userboxes.

[edit] About me

I'm basically your average guy. Not too out-of-the-ordinary. 22, single, unemployed, bored, too much time on my hands. I like reading, watching movies, etc. I'm interested in history, especially African history, particularly the history of Zaire (in fact, I contributed heavily to the article on Mobutu, and I wrote the following articles: Albert Kalonji, Pierre Mulele, Jean Nguza Karl-i-Bond, Authenticité (Zaire), Sheldon B. Vance, Les Trois Glorieuses, LGBT rights in Uganda, Human rights in Chad, Nicaragua Betrayed, and Marc Mahélé Lièko Bokungu. I have also contributed to many other articles.

I was born and raised in Minnesota, and have lived here my whole life. I speak fluent English (obviously), in addition to rudimentary Tagalog and basic Vietnamese. I hope to travel to the Philippines soon.

If you want to know anything about me, inquire on my Discussion page. Thanks!