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//<pre> document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + '' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css&dontcountme=s">'); //fills the variable mwCustomEditButtons (s. function in /wikibits.js), with buttons for the Toolbar function addCustomButton(imageFile, speedTip, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText){ mwCustomEditButtons.push({ "imageFile": imageFile, "speedTip": speedTip, "tagOpen": tagOpen, "tagClose": tagClose, "sampleText": sampleText}); } var Isrc=''; // English Wikipedia creates 11 extra buttons which are stored in mwCustomEditButtons // rather than mwEditButtons. However, there is no guarantee it will always be 11 // so we count them here. var enExtraButtons=mwCustomEditButtons.length; var BDict={ 'A':['f/f0/Bouton_Vandale0.png','Vandal Warning 01','{{subst:uw-vandal1|','}} ~~~~','Article'], 'B':['1/1d/Bouton_Vandale1.png','Vandal Warning 02','{{subst:uw-vandal2|','}} ~~~~','Article'], 'C':['c/cc/Bouton_Vandale2.png','Vandal Warning 03','{{subst:uw-vandal3|','}} ~~~~','Article'], 'D':['e/e4/Bouton_Vandale3.png','Vandal Warning 04','{{subst:uw-vandal4|','}} ~~~~','Article'], 'E':['7/7e/Bouton_Vandale4.png','Only Warning','{{subst:uw-vandalism4im|','}} ~~~~','Article'], 'F':['b/bf/WP-icon.png','Welcome a New User to Wikipedia','{{subst:w-link','}}','|heading=true'], }; var XEBOrder2=[]; if (typeof XEBOrder!='string') // can be modified XEBOrder2="A,B,C,D,E,F".split(","); else if (XEBOrder.toLowerCase()=='all') for (b in BDict) XEBOrder2.push(b); else XEBOrder2=XEBOrder.toUpperCase().split(","); addOnloadHook(initButtons); if(!wgIsArticle)// only if edit { if(XEBPopups)hookEvent("load", extendButtons); } function initButtons(){ var bc,d; for (b in BDict) BDict[b][0] = Isrc+BDict[b][0]; // // Add the start of the URL (Isrc) to the XEB buttons // If the user has defined any buttons then add them into the available button lists if (typeof myButtons=='object') for (b in myButtons) BDict[b] = myButtons[b]; // custom user buttons // Add the media wiki standard buttons into the available buttons for (b in mwEditButtons) { // add standard buttons for full XEB order changing // BDict[b]=[]; BDict[b]=[mwEditButtons[b].imageFile,mwEditButtons[b].speedTip,mwEditButtons[b].tagOpen,mwEditButtons[b].tagClose,mwEditButtons[b].sampleText]; // for (d in mwEditButtons[b]) BDict[b].push(mwEditButtons[b][d]); } // Build the new buttons for (i=0;i<XEBOrder2.length;i++) { bc = BDict[XEBOrder2[i]]; //Check if bc is an object // - protects if user specified a non-existant buttons // - IE causes a javascript error when viewing a page if(typeof bc=='object') { //Call addCustomButton in wikibits addCustomButton(bc[0],bc[1],bc[2],bc[3],bc[4]); } } // Remove the default buttons (if requested by the user) eraseButtons(); } /** en: Removes arbitrary standard buttons from the toolbar * @author: [[:de:User:Olliminatore]] * @version: 0.1 (01.10.2006) **/ function eraseButtons(){ //Remove the buttons the user doesn't want if(typeof rmEditButtons!='object') return; if (typeof rmEditButtons[0] == 'string' && rmEditButtons[0].toLowerCase() == 'all') { mwEditButtons=[]; for(i=0;i<enExtraButtons;i++){mwCustomEditButtons.shift();} } //Sort the user's requests so we remove the button with the highest index first //- This ensures we remove the buttons the user expects whatever order he requested the buttons in rmEditButtons.sort(sortit); //Remove individual buttons the user doesn't want for(i=0;i<rmEditButtons.length;i++){ var n=rmEditButtons[i]; //Standard Wikimedia buttons if(n>=0 && n<mwEditButtons.length){ if(n<mwEditButtons.length){ var x = -1; while((++x)<mwEditButtons.length) if(x>=n) mwEditButtons[x] = mwEditButtons[x+1]; } mwEditButtons.pop(); } //Extra buttons in English Wikipedia n=n-mwEditButtons.length; if(n>0 && n<mwCustomEditButtons.length){ if(n<mwCustomEditButtons.length){ var x = -1; while((++x)<mwCustomEditButtons.length) if(x>=n) mwCustomEditButtons[x] = mwCustomEditButtons[x+1]; } mwCustomEditButtons.pop(); } } }; //Function: // sortit //Purpose: // Used to sort the rmEditButtons array into descending order function sortit(a,b){ return(b-a) } // Adds extended onclick-function to some buttons function extendButtons(){ if(!(allEditButtons = document.getElementById('toolbar'))) return false; if(typeof editform != 'undefined') if(!(window.editform = document.forms['editform'])) return false; // table extendAButton(Isrc+"0/04/Button_array.png",XEBPopupTable) extendAButton(Isrc+"7/79/Button_reflink.png",XEBPopupRef) extendAButton(Isrc+"b/b8/Button_Globe.png",XEBPopupGeoLink) extendAButton(Isrc+"4/49/Button_talk.png",XEBPopupTalk) extendAButton(Isrc+"1/1c/Button_advanced_image.png",XEBPopupImage) //extendAButton(Isrc+"6/6a/Button_sup_letter.png",XEBPopupFormattedText) // redirect c=XEBOrder2.getIndex('V'); if(c != -1) allEditButtons[bu_len+c].onclick=function(){ var a='#REDIRECT \[\['+prompt("Which page do you want to redirect to\?")+'\]\]'; document.editform.elements['wpTextbox1'].value=a; document.editform.elements['wpSummary'].value=a; document.editform.elements['wpWatchthis'].checked=false }; }; //</pre>