Minor characters from Supernatural

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The following are minor fictional characters on The CW Television Network's Supernatural.


[edit] Azazel's special children

The following characters were chosen as infants by the demon Azazel to be potential leaders of the demonic army that he planned to release from Hell. He feeds his blood to them when they are babies, granting them supernatural abilities later in life. Those still alive years later are all brought to an abandoned town by Azazel, who orders that they fight to the death to determine who will be the leader of his army.

[edit] Scott Carey

Scott Carey
Supernatural character
First appearance "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"
Cause/reason Killed; stabbed by Gordon Walker
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Richard DeKlerk
Episode count 1
Species Human (some supernatural abilities)
Gender Male
Date of death 2007
Specialty Electric manipulation
Address Indiana

[edit] Biography

Not much is revealed about Scott. He is introduced seeing a psychiatrist and explaining how Azazel has plans for him. He also speaks of his ability of electrocution. As he is later about to get into his car, he is stabbed to death by Gordon Walker, who views him and others like him as a threat.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Scott has the ability to electrocute anything that he makes physical contact with.

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 -

[edit] Andrew Gallagher

Andrew Gallagher
Supernatural character
First appearance "Simon Said"
Last appearance "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"
Cause/reason Killed; torn apart by demon under Ava Wilson's control
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Gabriel Tigerman
Episode count 2
Species Human (some supernatural abilities)
Gender Male
Date of death 2007
Specialty Mind control, Telepathy
Relatives Ansem Weems (brother, deceased)
Holly Beckett (mother, deceased)

[edit] Biography

Unknown to Andrew "Andy" Gallagher, he was given up for adoption as a baby, and thus denied the knowledge of the existence of his twin brother, Ansem Weems. As with Sam and Dean, his adoptive mother died in a housefire when he was a baby. Later in life, he developed the ability of mind control, using it to attain anything that he desires. However, he still follows some morals, such as not using his ability to influence Tracy, the woman that he likes.

In "Simon Said", Sam and Dean learn of Andy after Sam receives a vision of a doctor receiving a phone call and then killing a man and then himself. They have Ash cross-reference the town with house fires in 1983, leading them to Andy. As Sam tries to stop his vision from coming true, Dean confronts Andy, who uses his ability to take the Impala. Sam and Dean later track him down, but Andy forces Dean to tell him everything. As Sam then tells him that he believes they are connected, he has another vision, this time of a woman getting a phone call and then killing herself by covering her body in gasoline and lighting herself on fire. When it turns out that the vision occurred in real time and was not of the future, the brothers realize that Andy is innocent.

They investigate the deaths, and learn that the woman is Andy's biological mother and that the doctor was her doctor. As well, they discover the existence of Ansem Weems, who has been working at the diner that Andy and Tracy work at and has been going by the name Webber. Sam then has a vision of Tracy jumping off of a dam. They manage to stop Ansem from forcing her to kill herself, and tape Ansem's mouth shut. However, Anson's abilities have developed more than Andy's, and he can control Tracy non-verbally. He then reveals that he committed the murders to get revenge for them splitting him and Andy apart, and that he is going to kill Tracy so that she cannnot get between them. Dean, who had been watching from a distance with a rifle, prepares to shoot Ansem, but Ansem discovers him and orders him to kill himself. However, Andy shoots and kills Ansem first.

Andy later returns in "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1", having been summoned to Cold Oak by Azazel. By this point, his powers have grown so that he is able to project images into people's heads, and he manages to help Dean find their location. However, when Sam later has him and Ava seal themselves up in a house in the town, Ava breaks a salt line in front of the window. She then summons a demon into the room and has it kill him.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Like all of Azazel's other special children, Andy has a psychic power, his being mind control. At first, he is only able to use this ability vocally, but later is able to do so mentally. He is eventually able to expand his ability, allowing him to project images into people's heads. However, his ability is useless against others like him.

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 -
"Simon Said", "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"

[edit] Lily

Supernatural character
First appearance "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"
Cause/reason Killed; hanged by demon under Ava Wilson's control
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Jessica Harmon
Episode count 1
Species Human (some supernatural abilities)
Gender Female
Date of death 2007
Specialty Causes death upon physical contact
Significant other(s) Girlfriend (deceased)
Address San Diego

[edit] Biography

Not much is revealed about Lily. She is summoned to Cold Oak by Azazel to battle to the death with others like her. However, she refuses to participate and tries to leave. Ava Wilson responds by secretly summoning a demon and sending it after her. Lily is later found dead, hanging from a windmill.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Unlike the other special children, Lily has a very dangerous and uncontrollable ability, which she very much hates. When she comes into physical contact with another being, she triggers a heart attack. This caused the accidental death of her girlfriend.

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 -
"All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"

[edit] Max Miller

Max Miller
Supernatural character
First appearance "Nightmare"
Cause/reason Suicide; gunshot to head
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Brendan Fletcher
Episode count 1
Species Human (some supernatural abilities)
Gender Male
Date of death 2006
Specialty Telekinesis

[edit] Biography

Growing up, Max had a very rough childhood. Like with Sam and Dean, his mother died in a nursery fire, pinned to the ceiling, although his father tells everyone that she died in a car accident. His father blamed him for his mother's death, and, as he grew up, Max was continuously beaten by his father and uncle, turning him into a very troubled youth.

Sam and Dean first encounter Max when Sam receives a psychic vision of Max's father being locked in the garage and dying from carbon monoxide poisoning. They arrive too late, and it appears to the public that Max's father committed suicide. The brothers, believing that the culprit is a spirit, investigate. Sam soon receives a vision of Max's uncle dying, but once again, they are unable to prevent the murder. After Sam and Dean learn of the beatings Max received, Sam has yet another vision, this time of Max telekinetically killing his step-mother with a knife because she never prevented his father and uncle from abusing him. This time, the brothers are able to make it in time, and stop the murder, calming Max down. Sam talks to him, and realizes that they are connected after learning the truth about Max's mother. However, Max once again gets out of control and locks Sam in a closet. Sam gets a vision of Max confronting Dean and his step-mother, and killing Dean when he tries to stop him. Believing that Max is like him but only with abilities that have developed further, Sam manages to telekinetically break out of the closet and stops his vision from coming true. Realizing that he cannot do anything, Max takes his own life by shooting himself in the head. He was only mentioned in other episodes. A few times by Sam and Dean and only once by the Yellow Eyed Demon and Ash.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Like all of Azazel's other special children, Max has a psychic power, his being telekinesis. Due to much practice, he has gained great control over this ability.

[edit] Appearances

Season 1 -

[edit] Ansem Weems

Ansem Weems
Supernatural character
First appearance "Simon Said"
Cause/reason Killed; gunshot
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Elias Toufexis
Episode count 1
Species Human (some supernatural abilities)
Gender Male
Date of death 2007
Specialty Mind control
Relatives Andrew Gallagher (brother, deceased)
Holly Beckett (mother, deceased)

[edit] Biography

Upon finding out from Azazel that he was adopted as a baby and thus separated from his twin brother, Ansem uses his mind control powers to seek revenge and to reunite with his long-lost brother, Andrew Gallagher. He gets a job at the diner that Andy works at and then befriends him, going by the name "Webber". In the meantime, he uses his ability to have his real mother and her doctor kill themselves.

This triggers visions for Sam, leading Sam and Dean to the town. They at first think that Andy is responsible, but eventually learn of Ansem's identity. Ansem then kidnaps Tracy, the woman that Andy likes, and plans to kill her so that she cannot get between him and his brother. He orders her to jump off of a dam, but Andy and Sam interfere. When Ansem regains control of the situation, he notices Dean, who had been watching from a distance with a rifle. Dean prepares to shoot Ansem, but Ansem discovers him and orders him to kill himself. However, Andy shoots and kills Ansem first.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Like all of Azazel's other special children, Ansem has a psychic power, his being mind control. Because he has had much practice, he is not required to make vocal commands. It is unknown if his ability had also grown in other aspects like Andy's eventually does. Like with Andy's, his ability is useless against others like him.

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 -
"Simon Said"

[edit] Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson
Supernatural character
First appearance "Hunted"
Last appearance "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"
Cause/reason Killed; broken neck
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Katharine Isabelle
Episode count 2
Species Human (some supernatural abilities)
Gender Female
Age 23 at time of death
Date of birth 1984
Date of death 2007
Specialty Precognition (First)
Demon abilities (Last)
Occupation Secretary
Significant other(s) Fiancé (deceased)

[edit] Biography

Ava Wilson, first introduced in the episode "Hunted", is at first a young woman with a regular life. She is easily worried and is sarcastic about even the most dangerous of situations. Ava is also engaged, hoping to live out her life peacefully. However, she is plagued with nightmares and visions of bad things happening to people, and coincidentally, in one of those dreams, Ava sees Sam die. Completely shocked, Ava searches for Sam in order to prevent his death. She ends up in Lafayette, Indiana and meets Sam in a motel she saw in her dream. She informs him that he died in her dream and that he needs to leave Indiana right away. However, Sam tells her about his own abilities and the demon Azazel. Unlike the other special children encountered by the brothers, Ava's mother is alive and well. Ava sticks with Sam and helps him out throughout the episode until they are shot at by Gordon Walker, a hunter pursuing Sam. After being urged by Sam to return home, Ava does so. At the end of the episode, Sam and Dean go to her house in Peoria, only to discover her fiancé dead with a slit throat, and sulfur by the windows. Sam is also shocked to see Ava's bloody engagement ring on the floor by her bed. The brothers are left to wonder what happened to her and if Azazel was involved.

Ava returns in "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1", when she, Sam, and three other special children find themselves in the abandoned town of Cold Oak, and are told that they must fight each other. Ava is seemingly all right, but tells Sam only two days have passed since she'd last seen him. Sam tells her she'd been missing for five months, and she seems confused. She asks about her fiancé, saying he must be worried, but Sam evades the question. Later, Lily attempts to escape and is killed. Towards the end of the episode, Ava disappears and, as a worried Sam and Jake go to look for her, she returns to the building in which they had all holed up. To the surprise of Andy, she breaks the barrier of salt on the windowsill and summons a demon through the window, using the demon to violently tear him apart. Feigning fear after Andy's death, Ava screams and brings Sam back into the room. However, Sam does not buy her act, forcing her to reveal her deception. She wipes away her tears and begins to tell Sam about her change to the dark side, and tells him to accept the power he has. He realizes that she is not a recent arrival like the others; she had been in the town since her disappearance, and had killed all the others like themselves who had come on previous occasions. Declaring herself the winner, she mockingly says "sorry" as she summons the demon to kill Sam. However Jake appears behind her and fatally snaps her neck. The demon is released from her control and departs.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Like all of Azazel's other special children, Ava starts off with a psychic power, hers being precognitive visions like Sam's. However, as she gives in to the side of darkness, "switches" in her brain suddenly click, evolving her powers. To what extent her powers grow is unknown, although she is shown to have at least gained the power to control demons.

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 -
"Hunted", "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"

[edit] Demons

As demons, the following characters come in varying forms due to their ability to switch host bodies. In its true form, a demon exists as a large, black cloud that generates electromagnetic intereference, thus messing with nearby electronic devices. It enters a host through the mouth, gaining control of the body. If the host is alive at the time, the host can resist the control, though only temporarily.

While in possession of a host, a demon is able to exhibit telekinesis and superhuman strength. As well, a demon's host is able to endure any fatal injuries, though will die if the demon exits the body. When using these abilities, or for conscious reasons such as intimidation, the host's eyes will change color. Most demonic hosts are portrayed with black eyes, while the color varies with higher-level demons.

It is revealed by Ruby that all demons were once human. Souls that are sent to Hell are corrupted over a period of hundreds of years, eventually changing them into their demonic forms.

Holy water is effective in combatting demons, and demons cannot cross lines of salt or enter holy places such as churches. However, these can be ineffective against some higher-level demons. The most effective way to contain a demon is by using a devil's trap. When within the mystical symbol, a demon is temporarily stripped of its usual abilities and cannot leave until the symbol is disturbed. Exorcisms, which expel the demon from its host and send it to Hell, usually coincide with the use of the trap.

[edit] Crossroads Demon

Crossroads Demon

Screenshot from "Crossroad Blues"
First appearance Crossroad Blues
Last appearance Bedtime Stories
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Jeannette Sousa, Ona Grauer, Sandra McCoy
Episode count 3
Aliases None
Gender Changes from person to person (Appears female most of the time)
Occupation Deal-Making Demon

[edit] Biography

This particular demon is given immense strength, physically and supernaturally, and dark red eyes. Purely evil, the demon also is very sarcastic and loves to play on people's emotions, making them feel extreme guilt and/or fear. Its main purpose of existence is to make bargains with desperate people in exchange for their souls. In order to summon a Crossroads Demon, one must find a crossroads and dig a hole in the dead center, putting in a box with their picture and an assortment of other items which help to bring it into this world. The demon prefers to possess the bodies of strikingly attractive brunette women who appeal to the men making the deals, but has also possessed the body of an adolescent teenage girl to make a deal with 14-year old Bela.

First met in “Crossroad Blues”, the Crossroads Demon appears to Dean when he tries to save a condemned man's life. It appears as a beautiful young woman and tries to taunt him, pushing him to the limits with remarks of his father's last moments, and how he too made a deal with a demon. At first, Dean wants the demon to release a man named Evan Hudson from a deal, trying to trap it in a Devil's Trap. However, the demon is too cunning for Dean and discovers the Devil's Trap under the Impala, furiously threatening to tear Dean apart. Though the demon is tempted, it remarks that it would rather see Dean suffer emotionally and slowly, like he already was at that point after losing his father. The demon then remarks that it could have given Dean his father back, leading him to reconsider what exactly he is bargaining for. However, Dean tricks the demon into another Devil's Trap where he tells the demon to call off its hellhounds and let Evan go. When the demon hesistates, Dean begins an exorcism ritual, previously demonstrated with Meg. The demon then begins to violently start convulsing, obviously afraid of being sent back to hell.

Finally, the demon yields to Dean and breaks the contract on Evan's life. It kisses Dean to seal the contract. After sealing the contract, the demon demands freedom but Dean restarts the exorcism. The demon then eggs on Dean to keep going, as if it is sent to hell it will break loose either way and "skin" Evan. Dean then lets the demon go. As it is about to leave, the demon then mocks Dean about his father being tortured in hell. Dean begins to approach the demon and threatens to send it back to hell, but it forcefully extracts itself from its host's body through a black cloud, leaving behind a very confused woman.

The Crossroads Demon returns again in "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2" using a different woman for a host. However, this time Dean summons the demon to make a bargain for Sam, killed in the previous episode. This time, the demon is extremely happy to see Dean as it knows that it will be the one to claim his life. It already knows that Dean wants Sam back in pure form, but is not going to give him the same treatment offered to every other person. Dean bargains 10 years and keeps counting down, but is unsuccessful. The demon begins to leave, but Dean calls it back and tries to keep bargaining. It informs Dean that bringing Sam back is breaking the rules, but will do it anyways, giving Dean only one year to live. This time, the demon informs him that if he tries to do anything to get out of the deal, Sam will die instantly. Remarking finally that it was a better deal than his father ever got, Dean kisses the demon and seals the contract. When he arrives back at the abandoned town, he sees Sam well and alive.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Referred to by Azazel himself, it is known that the Crossroads Demon has enough power to resurrect a person, as well as manipulate the fabrics of time, making someone infinitely wealthy, famous, or whatever his or her heart desires. It also supposedly has extreme physical strength, as many other demons do. Though the demon has super strength, it prefers to just make deals with people, trading their souls for whatever they want...for a number of years. After the given amount of years ends, usually ten, the demon sends hellhounds or personally comes to claim that person's soul. It is also interesting to note that the Crossroads Demon exhibits red eyes, rather than the typical or "low-class" demons who exhibit black eyes. The only other demons to exhibit different eye colors are Azazel (yellow eyes) and Lilith (white eyes). These different eye colors undoubtedly hold a deeper meaning, possibly demonstrating demonic superiority.

[edit] Death

In the Season Three episode, Bedtime Stories, Sam summons the Crossroads Demon against Dean's wishes, threatening it with the new Colt to release Dean from the deal he made. Sam also says that if it doesn't release Dean from his deal, he will shoot her. The Crossroads Demon then laughs at him, informing Sam that the demon only made and sealed the deal, but the contract belonged to its boss, who is said to really want Dean's soul. When Sam asks the demon who its "boss" is, the demon says that it can't tell him, but says that its boss would never let Dean's soul go and continues to taunt Sam. Contemplating everything he just heard, Sam pauses to think about what he should do next as the Crossroads Demon smiles a devilishly mocking smile at him. In a sudden turn of events, Sam raises the Colt and shoots the Crossroads Demon point blank, killing both the demon itself and the human girl it was possessing.

[edit] Breaking the contract

As revealed in Season Two, more powerful demons can also make faustian deals from humans. There is only one effective way shown to be freed from a deal made with a demon, and that is finding leverage to use against it or trying to bargain with the keeper of all contracts, the white-eyed demon Lilith.

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 –
"Crossroad Blues", "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2"
Season 3 -
"Bedtime Stories", "Time Is On My Side" (flashback)

[edit] Lilith

Supernatural character

Screenshot from Jus in Belo (Supernatural)
First appearance Jus In Belo (Supernatural)
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Rachel Pattee, Sierra McCormick, Katie Cassidy
Episode count 2
Species Demon
Gender Female
Age Unknown
Date of birth Unknown
Occupation Demon

[edit] Biography

Although mentioned only briefly by Ruby as Sam's main "competition", Lilith is introduced in the final moments of "Jus in Belo", appearing as a little girl with her mother. Lilith is able to fool all those in the police station which briefly held Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester. She approaches Nancy Fitzgerald, the sweet and pious secretary, asking her if she has seen two boys who she describes as "one is really tall and one is really cute." Nancy then asks the little girl what her name is. The girl responds "Lilith," and reveals white eyes. This catches the attention of Agent Henriksen, an FBI agent who has just recently stopped pursuing the Winchesters after discovering that demons and the supernatural are real. As Henriksen approaches Lilith, she holds out her hand and emits a bright, white light which causes an explosion which destroys the police station. Later on, Ruby informs the Winchesters that Lilith has found them, showing them what she did as a way to send a clear, brash message that she wants them dead. After giving Sam and Dean pouches which would throw Lilith off their tracks temporarily, Ruby informs them that they should have listened to her. Presumably, Lilith was alerted by one of the demons who escaped the mass exorcism in the police station of the Winchester's whereabouts.

After it is revealed by Bela Talbot that Lilith holds Dean's contract, Sam and Dean track her down to New Harmony, Indiana, where she is on "shore leave". For fun, she has taken over the body of another little girl and is holding the family hostage, forcing them to act as if she is their little girl. Demons have also taken over the rest of the town, stationed there to protect her. After stealing Ruby's demon-killing knife, Sam and Dean head there and manage to get into the house. However, Lilith secretly expels Ruby, who followed Sam and Dean there, and takes over her host. Dean figures out the truth too late, and Lilith holds Sam at bay as a hell hound kills Dean. Lilith then tries to kill Sam, but finds that she is powerless against him. As Sam then goes to kill her with Ruby's knife, Lilith flees from the host and escapes.

[edit] Background and origins

According to series creator Eric Kripke, she is "a combination of all myths concerning Lilith". Noting that the mythological Lilith's two main roles appear to be "destroyer of children and seducer of men", Kripke also stated that the show will explore those two roles, with the former already being displayed in the character's choice of hosts. In addition, Kripke stated that Lilith is higher in the demonic hierarchy than Azazel, and that "you don’t get much higher than her until you start digging into Lucifer territory."[1]

[edit] Powers and abilities

Lilith harbors immense power and rank in the demonic world. This extreme potency is first showcased at the end of "Jus in Belo", as Lilith proceeds to cause an explosion with the flick of a wrist. Similar to other demons, Lilith possesses the power to wield telekinesis as well as superhuman strength, most likely at higher levels than that of a regular demon. However, her powers can seemingly be countered, as, in "No Rest For The Wicked", Sam's own demonic abilities apparently nullify Lilith's.

Although granted an abundance of power, Lilith is still forced to possess human hosts in order to carry out her actions. However, she is powerful enough to expel other demons from hosts, as she does with Ruby in order to use the host to trick Sam and Dean. Unlike most other demons, Lilith's demonic eye color is white instead of black, similar to Azazel's yellow eyes.

[edit] Appearances

Season 3 -
"Jus In Bello", "No Rest For The Wicked"

[edit] See also

[edit] Hunters

[edit] Ash

Supernatural character
First appearance Everybody Loves a Clown
Last appearance All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1
Cause/reason Assumed dead in destruction of Roadhouse
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Chad Lindberg
Episode count 3 (& 1 partially)
Nickname(s) Dr. Badass
Species Human
Gender Male
Age 30s
Date of death 2007
Specialty Research
Occupation Researcher for Hunters
Title Doctor
Address Nebraska

[edit] Biography

Ash attended MIT which according to Ash is "a school in Boston", before he was kicked out for fighting. He sports a haircut which is "all business in front, party in the back". It is unknown when he met Ellen and Jo Harvelle, but he lives in the Roadhouse Saloon, which Ellen owns. He has a room in the Roadhouse with a sign on the door reading, "Dr. Badass is" with the option of "in" or "out". He owns a homemade laptop, which he uses to track the paranormal, particularly The Demon, with the information that John Winchester and his sons, Sam and Dean, have gathered. Jo refers to him as a genius. In the episode "Everybody Loves a Clown", Ash is referred to as a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie by Dean. He is told this because he is dressed like a typical rocker, and would perfectly fit in at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert. In the episode "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1", he calls Dean to tell him something, but once Dean arrives at the Roadhouse he finds someone to be wearing the same watch as Ash, burned along with the Roadhouse. In "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2", Ellen informs Sam, Dean, and Bobby that Ash died in the explosion at the Roadhouse, after urging Ellen to go check the safe in the basement for a vital piece of information which ultimately helped them find and confront the Demon.

[edit] Fate

Series creator Eric Kripke stated that Ash's apparent death "had to do with how much I hated the actual Roadhouse itself rather than anyone in it." As for the character's return, Kripke replied, "Ash is a possibility."[2]

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 -
"Everybody Loves a Clown", "Simon Said", "Hunted", "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"

[edit] Joanna Beth Harvelle

Jo Harvelle
Supernatural character

Screenshot from the episode "Simon Said"
First appearance "Everybody Loves a Clown"
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Alona Tal
Episode count 4
Nickname(s) Jo
Species Human
Gender Female
Age Middle to late 20's
Occupation Amature hunter, bartender
Family Ellen Harvelle (mother)
William Anthony Harvelle (father, deceased)
Address Nebraska (formerly), Duluth, MN

[edit] Biography

Joanna Beth Harvelle, also known as "Jo" is the daughter of Ellen Harvelle and William Anthony Harvelle, a deceased hunter who was killed during a hunt with John Winchester when Jo was still a child. She appears to be around the same age as Dean and Sam. Jo treasures her father's pure iron knife engraved with W.A.H. on the blade. She states that she was once in college, but will not return because she "was just a freak with a knife collection." Jo lives with her mother at the Harvelle's Roadhouse, which Ellen runs. While working at her mother's saloon she has met many hunters, many of whom "have tried to get into her pants with Domino's pizza, a six-pack of Budweiser, and one side of Zeppelin IV." She has a bit of a rebellious streak, wanting to go out and hunt like her father. This urge is severely discouraged by her mother.

She first meets Sam and Dean when they come looking for Ellen after their father, John Winchester, dies. Jo and Ellen end up holding the brothers at gunpoint until they explain their relationship to John. Throughout the second season, Jo appears to have romantic feelings for Dean. During her first episode on the show, Dean states that he too has feelings for her, but because his father had just died, he felt it was the wrong time and place. As the show progresses, Dean and Jo seem interested in each other.

In "No Exit", when Jo returns from a hunt with Dean and Sam, in a rage, her mother reveals to her that John was responsible for the death of her father. Later, in "Born Under a Bad Sign", Jo states that her father died when John and William Anthony Harvelle set a trap for "some kind of hell spawn" which failed and caused William to become unprotected from a demonic attack. Jo only was aware from her mother that William had died because of John's recklessness and the demon's attack. It is later revealed by Sam, who is under the possession of the demon formerly possessing Meg Masters that the demon only wounded William but John actually killed him by way of gunshot, "to put him out of his misery".

After sending Dean and Sam away after having learned the truth, she wants to continue hunting, but her mother says not while she lives under her roof. Jo leaves soon after the ultimatium and sends Ellen postcards every so often. When Sam is possessed by the demon, he shoots Dean in the arm. Jo finds Dean and patches him up. Jo then attempts to follow Dean in the search for Sam, but is told by Dean that she cannot follow him. Jo gives Dean some pain medication and does not argue with him, choosing to stay behind. Dean tells Jo he will call her, and as he leaves, Jo quietly whispers, "No, you won't".

[edit] Return

According to Alona Tal, “The last thing I heard was that it hadn't worked out the way that the producers had expected, because I look apparently like their 14-year-old sister. I honestly don't know what's going to happen, but if I had the chance, I would love to go back to Supernatural."[3] Series creator Eric Kripke stated that there are currently no plans for her return.[2]

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 –
"Everybody Loves a Clown", "Simon Said", "No Exit", "Born Under a Bad Sign"

[edit] Gordon Walker

Gordon Walker
Supernatural character
Gordon Walker
First appearance Bloodlust
Last appearance Fresh Blood
Cause/reason Decapitation by Sam
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Sterling K. Brown
Episode count 4
Species Human
Vampire(Last Episode)
Gender Male
Date of death 2007
Specialty Combat
Occupation Hunter
Relatives Father (Deceased)
Sister (Vampire; Deceased)
IMDb profile

[edit] Biography

Gordon Walker was 18 years old when a vampire broke into his house and attacked his sister. Gordon grabbed his father’s shotgun, attempted to free his sister, and then finally shot at the vampire. The vampire threw him across the room, knocking him unconscious, and abducted his sister. When Gordon regained consciousness, the vampire and his sister were gone.

Gordon ran away from home learning to fight, hunt, and kill vampires. He eventually found the vampire that had taken his sister and killed it. He also killed his sister, as she was then a vampire. This marked the beginning of his hatred for the undead.

At some point during his career as a hunter, Gordon Walker met John Winchester and Ellen Harvelle.

[edit] Season two

Gordon was introduced in the episode "Bloodlust". Dean and Sam Winchester meet up with Gordon Walker while hunting some particularly vicious vampires. Sam calls Ellen and asks her what she knows about Gordon. Ellen tells him that Gordon Walker is a very good hunter, but to stay away from him, as he is dangerous to everyone and everything around him. Gordon Walker tries to attack a nest of vampires even though Sam proves they do not attack humans, drinking blood from cattle instead. Dean ends up beating Gordon in a fight leaving him tied to a chair.

In the episode "Hunted" it is revealed that Gordon Walker was performing an exorcism on a girl when the demonic entity living inside her mentioned something about a war. Gordon managed to get more information out of it, including the fact that Gordon personally knew one of the people who were to be involved in the war. The girl being exorcised was "questioned" by Gordon Walker and died because of it.

He then searched for these people, killing one about a month before the episode begins. He tracks Sam Winchester and tries to shoot him, but Dean Winchester intervenes. After a scuffle Gordon knocks Dean out, ties Dean up, and tells him his plans to catch Sam in his booby trap: grenades set with trip wires. Sam manages to evade the trap and knocks Gordon out. As Sam and Dean leave the damaged house, Gordon is back up and chasing them, firing two pistols in their direction. The police arrive to subdue Gordon, and then find the cache of weapons in his car. Sam Winchester notes that Gordon could possibly escape from jail. He is well-known for being ruthless, pragmatic and incredibly resourceful.

[edit] Season three

Gordon appears again during the episode "Bad Day at Black Rock" in jail and talking to a fellow hunter whom he convinces to go after Sam Winchester. He tells him that he is not even sure Sam Winchester is even human. Gordon Walker is aware of the brothers having opened the Devil's Gate in the second season finale. At the end of the episode he tells the hunter he was talking with that they will have to break him out of prison.

In the episode "Fresh Blood", Gordon pursues the Winchester brothers again. During the hunt he is captured and subsequently turned by a vampire named Dixon as an ironic form of punishment, revenge for the slaughter of Dixon's vampire family by hunters. He kills two other vampires turned by Dixon, then sets up a trap for the Winchester brothers, still convinced it's his duty as a hunter to rid the world of Sam Winchester. A fight ensues in a warehouse where Gordon holds a girl he has kidnapped and turned into a vampire to use as bait. Sam Winchester decapitates Gordon Walker with a garotte improvised out of barbed wire during the struggle, thus ending the threat he poses.

[edit] Alternate storyline

According to series creator Eric Kripke, Gordon was originally going to learn about the hunter that Sam killed while possessed and use it to convince more hunters to turn against Sam. This was intended to be a story arc stretching over multiple episodes. However, Sterling K. Brown was contracted for the Lifetime Television series Army Wives, and Lifetime would only allow him to return to Supernatural for two more episodes.[2]

[edit] Appearances

Season 2 –
"Bloodlust", "Hunted"
Season 3 -
"Bad Day at Black Rock", "Fresh Blood"

[edit] Other

[edit] Jessica Lee Moore

Jessica Lee Moore
Supernatural character
First appearance "Pilot"
Cause/reason Killed; pinned to the ceiling, cut across her stomach, and burned in flames by Azazel
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Adrianne Palicki
Episode count 3
Species Human
Gender Female
Date of birth January 24, 1984
Date of death November 2, 2005
Occupation Student
Significant other(s) Sam Winchester (boyfriend)

[edit] Biography

The girlfriend of Sam, Jessica is unaware of Sam's family history. Sam was thinking about asking her to marry him, but she is killed by the demon Azazel, prompting Sam to join Dean on his quest to find their missing father. Beforehand, Sam had received premonitions about her death, causing him much guilt that he did nothing to prevent it.

[edit] Appearances

Season 1 -
"Pilot", "Bloody Mary"
Season 2 -
"What Is and What Should Never Be"

[edit] Missouri Moseley

Missouri Moseley
Missouri Moseley
First appearance Home
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Loretta Devine
Gender Female
Occupation Psychic

[edit] Biography

Missouri is a psychic friend of John Winchester’s who lives is Lawrence, Kansas. It was she who told John about the supernatural world, when he came to see her after the death of his wife Mary. When Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester return to Lawrence to investigate a psychic dream of Sam’s in "Home", they go to her for help. She can use her psychic abilities to sense the presence of a spirit, but this ability fails her when she looks at the brothers' old home following the attempted expulsion of a poltergeist. At the end of the episode, she is seen talking to John, who came to watch over his sons while they were in Lawrence.

[edit] Appearances

Season 1 -
Comic -
Missouri makes an appearance in the first issue of the Supernatural: Origins comic book, where it is shown how she first meets John Winchester.

[edit] Mary Winchester

Mary Winchester
Supernatural character

Mary Winchester (in Season 2: "What Is, And What Should Never Be")
First appearance "Pilot"
Last appearance "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"
Cause/reason Died before show started; appears in flashbacks and alternative timelines
Created by Eric Kripke
Portrayed by Samantha Smith
Episode count 3
Species Human
Gender Female
Age 29 at time of death
Date of birth 1954
Date of death November 2nd, 1983
Occupation Unknown
Spouse(s) John Winchester (husband, deceased)
Children Sam Winchester (son)
Dean Winchester (son, deceased)
Relatives unnamed uncle, deceased

[edit] Biography

Mary Winchester (born 1954) is the wife of John Winchester, and mother of Dean and Sam. She gave birth to Dean on January 24, 1979 and Sam on May 2, 1983.

In the episode "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" Dean refers to an uncle they have never met. It is revealed in "The Kids Are Alright" that Mary's uncle is dead.

In the episode "Pilot," it is revealed that on November 2, 1983, Mary woke after putting her six-month-old son, Sam, to bed. She entered his nursery to find someone she thought to be John leaning over his crib. Returning to bed, she noticed a television flickering downstairs. She found her husband John asleep in the living room, and ran back to Sam's nursery. Hearing his wife's screams, John ran into the nursery. In Sam's room, everything appeared normal, until he saw droplets of blood next to Sam's head. Looking up, he found Mary pinned to the ceiling with a large gash through her stomach. She then burst into flames, dying at the age of 29. She was murdered by Azazel.

In 2005, her sons returned to their childhood home to investigate a recurring dream Sam had experienced in the episode "Home." Mary's spirit seems to haunt the house in Lawrence, Kansas, and a poltergeist is in the house with her, though the psychic Missouri Moseley never feels their presence. After the poltergeist pins Sam to the wall, Mary appears as a fiery figure. When Dean breaks through the locked door to reach him, Mary tells Sam that she is sorry. Turning to the ceiling, she tells the poltergeist to leave her sons alone. Her spirit fights with and cancels out the poltergeist, forcing both spirits out of the home.

In "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1", Azazel reveals to Sam that Mary was killed because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He shows Sam the incident, including Mary running back into the nursery and saying "It's you!" to the demon. It remains unknown how she knew Azazel, although in Supernatural: Origins, it seems that Mary has a sister that the demon was apparently after, but this is unconfirmed. Series creator Eric Kripke has stated that her relation to Azazel was supposed to be addressed in the third season, but was pushed back to the fourth season due to the writer's strike.[1]

In "The Kids are Alright", it is revealed that all of Mary's friends and acquaintances have been killed off over the years since her death.

[edit] Appearances

Season 1 -
"Pilot", "Home"
Season 2 -
"What Is and What Should Never Be", "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"

[edit] References

[edit] See also