Ministry of the Environment (Israel)

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The Ministry of the Environment is a branch of the Israeli government in charge of protecting the cleanliness of all public areas and preventing contamination of water resources, among other things.

A basic volunteer for the ministry is called a "Ne'eman Nikayon", translated literally as a "clean trustee" but more accurately described as a volunteer cleanliness protection officer. They are certified under the "Cleanliness protection law of 1984". A volunteer must pass a one-day course where they learn the basic laws involved in their ability to report violations of Israeli littering laws. Once certified, a volunteer can write out tickets against violators and submit them directly to the ministry of the environment for processing. In almost all cases a simple fine is issued (ranging from 250 - 8000 New Israeli Shekel), but under some circumstances the case may be sent automatically to a judge (especially in the case of a repeat offender) to determine special punishment.

The ministry of the environment has paid inspectors (Pakachim) who serve in a similar capacity as a basic volunteer, as well as holding additional powers according to Israeli law.

The ministry of the environment is also in charge of animal rights issues under a separate division under the "Cruelty to Animals Law of 1994".
