Minister for Cultural Assets and Activities

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The Minister for Cultural Assets and Activities (Italian - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali) is the culture minister of the Republic of Italy. It is based at 27 via del Collegio Romano, Rome, and the current minister is Sandro Bondi.

It was set up in 1974 as the Ministry for the Cultural Assets and Environments (Ministero per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali ) by Giovanni Spadolini through the decree read on 14 December 1974, n. 657, converted (with changes) from the law of 29 January 1975, n. 5. The new ministry (defined as "per i beni culturali" - that is for cultural assets, showing the wish to create a mainly technical organ) largely has the remit and functions previously under the Ministry of Public Education (specifically its Antiquity and Fine Arts, and Academies and Libraries, sections). To this remit and functions it some of those of the Ministry of the Interior (State archives) and of the President of the Council of Ministers (state computer archives, publishing and diffusion of culture).

Legislative decree number 368 of 20 October 1998 set up the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, with all the old ministry's remits as well as some new ones:

  • promotion of sports and sports arenas
  • promotion of shows, in all their forms

In 2006, the sport portfolio was reassigned to the new Dipartimento per le Politiche Giovanili e le Attività Sportive.

The ministry is principally concenrned with culture, shows, the protection and preservation of artistic sites and property, landscape, and tourism (as set out by the decree read on 18 May 2006 n. 181). At the end of 2006 the ministry's departments were abolished and their responsibilities returned to the ministry itself. At present, its organisational and administrative structures are the subjects of serious revision and discussion as to proposed modifications (the latest of which was tabled in June 2007).


[edit] Organisation

[edit] Offices

  • Ufficio di Gabinetto
  • Segreteria del Ministro
  • L'Ufficio Stampa
  • Ufficio Legislativo
  • Servizio per il Controllo Interno (Se.C.In.)
  • Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale

[edit] Area of Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici

  • Direzione Generale per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoatropologico (PSAE)
  • Direzione Generale per i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici (BAP)
  • Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici
  • Direzione Generale per la qualità e la tutela del Paesaggio, l'Architettura e l'Arte Contemporanee (PARC)

[edit] Area of Archivi e Biblioteche

  • Direzione Generale per gli Archivi
  • Direzione Generale per i Beni Librari e gli Istituti Culturali

[edit] Area of Ricerca, Innovazione e Organizzazione

  • Direzione Generale per gli Affari Generali, il Bilancio, le Risorse Umane e la Formazione
  • Direzione Generale per l'Innovazione Tecnologica e la Promozione

[edit] Area of Spettacolo

  • Direzione Generale per il Cinema
  • Direzione Generale per lo Spettacolo dal vivo e lo Sport

[edit] Associated organs

  • Direzioni Regionali per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici
  • Soprintendenze
    • Soprintendenze per i Beni Architettonici e il Paesaggio
    • Soprintendenze per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico
    • Soprintendenze per i Beni Archeologici
    • Soprintendenze Archivistiche
  • Archivi di Stato
  • Biblioteche Statali
  • Musei e altri istituti di conservazione dotati di autonomia

[edit] Ministers

Name Period Government
Giovanni Spadolini (PRI) 14 December 1974 - 7 January 1976 Governo Moro IV
Mario Pedini (DC) 12 February 1976 - 30 April 1976 Governo Moro V
Mario Pedini (DC) 29 July 1976 - 16 January 1978 Andreotti III Cabinet
Dario Antoniozzi (DC) 11 March 1978 - 31 January 1979 Andreotti IV Cabinet
Dario Antoniozzi (DC) 20 March 1979 - 31 March 1979 Andreotti V Cabinet
Egidio Ariosto (PSDI) 4 August 1979 - 19 March 1980 Cossiga I Cabinet
Oddo Biasini (PRI) 4 April 1980 - 27 September 1980 Cossiga II Cabinet
Oddo Biasini (PRI) 18 October 1980 - 26 May 1981 Forlani Cabinet
Vincenzo Scotti (DC) 28 July 1981 - 7 August 1982 Spadolini I Cabinet
Vincenzo Scotti (DC) 23 August 1982 - 13 November 1982 Spadolini II Cabinet
Nicola Vernola (DC) 1 December 1982 - 29 April 1983 Fanfani V Cabinet
Antonio Gullotti (DC) 4 August 1983 - 27 June 1986 Craxi I Cabinet
Antonio Gullotti (DC) 1 August 1986 - 3 March 1987 Craxi II Cabinet
Antonio Gullotti (DC) 17 April 1987 - 28 April 1987 Fanfani VI Cabinet
Carlo Vizzini (PSDI) 28 July 1987 - 11 March 1988 Goria Cabinet
Vincenza Bono Parrino (PSDI) 13 April 1988 - 19 May 1989 De Mita Cabinet
Ferdinando Facchiano (PSDI) 22 July 1989 - 12 April 1991 Andreotti VI Cabinet
Giulio Andreotti ad interim (DC) 12 April 1991 - 24 April 1992 Andreotti VII Cabinet
Alberto Ronchey (PRI) 28 June 1992 - 22 April 1993 Amato I Cabinet
Alberto Ronchey (PRI) 28 April 1993 - 16 April 1994 Ciampi Cabinet
Domenico Fisichella (AN) 10 May 1994 - 22 December 1994 Berlusconi I Cabinet
Antonio Paolucci (tecnico) 17 January 1994 - 17 May 1996 Dini Cabinet
Walter Veltroni (PDS) 17 May 1996 - 21 October 1998 Prodi I Cabinet
Giovanna Melandri (DS) 21 October 1998 - 22 December 1999 D'Alema I Cabinet
Giovanna Melandri (DS) 22 December 1999 - 22 April 2000 D'Alema II Cabinet
Giovanna Melandri (DS) 25 April 2000 - 11 June 2001 Amato II Cabinet
Giuliano Urbani (FI) 11 June 2001 - 23 April 2005 Berlusconi II Cabinet
Rocco Buttiglione (UDC) 23 April 2005 - 2 May 2006 Berlusconi III Cabinet
Francesco Rutelli (PD) 17 May 2006 - 8 May 2008 Prodi II Cabinet
Sandro Bondi (PdL-FI) 8 May 2008 - present Berlusconi IV Cabinet

[edit] External links
