Talk:Military of Egypt
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Egyptian armed forces is said to be the second strogest in the middle east region, after Israel.How about Turkey? Does Turkey have a weaker military than these countries or do not we count Turkey as a player in the middle east scene? Thank you for contribution...
Why is there such a long drawn out compairison of Egyptian Military VS Israel? Do we really need a full paragraph and an economics lession just to say that the Egyptian army is comparable to Isael's army. Couldn't we just say Egypt has one of the most powerfull armies in the middle east/africa?
I'm kind of mixed on it. I think it's important that we don't just make very general statements, since most of the military articles on Wikipedia are very unspecific, but it doesn't really matter to me either way.
[edit] About the military power of Egypt...
Someone keeps making biased edits in the fourth paragraph and claims Egypt has the strongest military in the Middle East. What about Turkey and Israel? I changed the last sentence to: "It is the strongest military power in Africa, and among the strongest in the Middle East with Israel and Turkey." Denix 23:08, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
Turkey is officially in europe not in the middle east and they are not compareble turkey is in the NATO. And why would turkeys army be stronger than Egypts Army Egypt has more tanks and more planes and if you add the paramillitary they would have more soldiers to.
turkey dosen't even count as a middle easteren country anymore its european, the ranks for the strongest military powers of the middle east is first israel, second egypt and third iran. and there is comparison between israel and egypt becuase they are rivals and the only other country matching or exceeding egypt in military power. egypt and israel are the strongest by a landslide any other country wouldnt count as comparable.
counting turkey as a middle eastern country just because it is a muslim country is totaly wrong as not all muslims are middle easterns and not all middle easterns are muslims
also iran is a fare-east country as middle east ends at iraq so iran is to be considered an even asian country not middle eastern
and about egypt and israel ..well the situation is not as perivious i mean :egypt and israel are not enemies any more since the peace treety in 1977 besides i donot think that any of them will sacrifise the american support just for some brother-hood or religious goals , both egypt and israel need USA and USA needs both of them and if we came to the point that IDF is some how stronger than EAF it is some thing that needs cirtification as EAF has more M60A3s than IDF and all of then are upgraded , EAF T-62s are made equavalent to M60A3 mobility and even fare much better technologies besides haveing 4 mounted SAGGER missles in armored external tanks , T-55s are made equavalent to M60A3 exepting for the fire power which is solved by using Ling shells giving the 100mm gun the capability of percing heavy M60A3 front armour at the range of 3000 meters for the better generation of MBTs IDF has 1,200 Merkavas including MK-1s and MK-2s which are not euavalent to the M1A1 so if we took an over look we find that EAF has even more MBTs of the newest generation that the IDF and about the infantry ofcourse EAF has the superriority and also about the special forces which were having various co-trainings with the USA in bight star operation(s) about the navy we donot even need to discuss that just search for both navies on wikipedia or any other site and u will find out which is better your self and finaly the air force of both are now may be considered euavalent while i think that the MIG-21MFs with western armament and systems are much better that the heavy Phantoms in intersipting , numbers of F-16s are almost the same and the EAF manufactures it's own training and ground support jets while the IDF manufactures only licenced F-16I beening awar of that EAF commanders are going to manufacture the JF-18 modern interseptor under licence from PRC
i want to know why was the photo of the EAF f-16s flying over the piramids deleted while it was totaly great pic. ???
"According to the Israeli chair of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Yuval Steinitz, the Egyptian Air Force has roughly the same number of modern warplanes as the Israeli Air Force and far more Western tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft batteries and warships than the IDF.[56]" is not that enough to prove that EAF is far stronger than IDF ??? their guy has siad that him self what more do any one need??? . the age of the weak repiblic that donot have eanough/efficient weapons is over and will never be back . following other aims than the exact benifit for the country is also over . the EAF is made to defend or fight for egypt only egypt and no other country but egypt no more men are wasted in silly disbutes that the country donot even have a long-range stratigigc benifit from . meaning the EAF is not a supject to be weaken by secoundary disputes and the only way to do that is taking te risk of begining a war with it .
- I just added a request for citation in the area you mentioned. I don't know if Egypt has the most powerful military in Africa, what about South Africa? Nigeria or even Kenya?
- As far as the 2nd most powerful in the Middle East, what about Turkey, Iran or even Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's military has come along way since 1991. Israel couldn't even defeat Hezzbollah, and they only defeated Egypt, Syria, Jordan and some others (with US backing) several times because they were using technologically weak weapons.
- MPA 19:18, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
i am the one who deleted the statment "second after israel" just because of lacking a single profe on that —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:00, 24 November 2007 (UTC)