Milton Keynes Development Corporation

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Milton Keynes Development Corporation was established in 1969 to provide the vision and execution of a "new city", Milton Keynes, that would be the modern interpretation of the Garden city movement concepts first expressed by Ebenezer Howard 60 years earlier. It would be a "city of trees" — the planning guideline was "no building higher than the highest tree". The subtext was that the designers would learn from the mistakes made in the earlier new towns and build a city that people would be proud to call their home.


[edit] Founding Fathers

Following publication of the Draft Master Plan for Milton Keynes, the government appointed Lord Campbell of Eskan ("Jock" Campbell). For the critical local consultation period, Walter Ismay became the Corporation's first Chief Executive. He added Richard Llewellyn Davies, Walter Bor and John de Monchaux, who produced the overall development plan, with its grid pattern of distributor roads at roughly 1km intervals. When the planning enquiries were over, it was time for a different type of CEO and Fred Lloyd Roche took over in 1970.

[edit] Closure

The Government wound up MKDC in 1992, transferring control to the Commission for New Towns (CNT) and then finally to English Partnerships. Design guidance was weakened and subsequent built environment developments are considered barely distinguishable from the anonymous suburbs of other towns and cities around the UK. Conversely, the "river valleys, water courses and extensive landscape buffers within Milton Keynes provide a good example of how environmental assets can be integrated into new development." [1]. The natural environment is under control of the Parks Trust and continues to be one of the major attractions to living in the city.

Most recently, Milton Keynes Partnership reviewed the height restrictions applied to all buildings in Milton Keynes, which has resulted in an end to the "no building taller than the tallest tree" policy and high-rise buildings have begun to be developed. Most notably within the Central Milton Keynes boundary, building are now being built to a height of 12+ stories.

[edit] Further reading

[edit] See also