Millennium High School (Piedmont, California)

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Millennium High School is the alternative high school of the Piedmont Unified School District.
Millennium High School is the alternative high school of the Piedmont Unified School District.

Millennium High School in Piedmont, California is the Piedmont Unified School District's alternative high school. Millennium strives to help each student find the path that matches his or her unique interests, needs, and learning styles.


[edit] Academics

Classes are small, with about 10 to 15 students per class, so students can work at their own pace, and there is more personal attention than in a normal public high school. Students are encouraged to take advantage of their strengths. Credit is earned according to how much students accomplish in class, also earning credits for outside activities, including sports or individual physical exercise programs, music and dramatic arts lessons and activities, employment, community college classes, and community service.

The Piedmont Educational Foundation supports a number of these programs through its grants program.[1]

The class schedule is flexible, with different students' school hours varying. Millennium students can also take courses at Piedmont High.

The curriculum is aligned with Content Standards for California Public Schools, and courses satisfy University of California "a-g" admission requirements.[2]

In 2005, the school received a 709 API score, matching the state average exactly. It was the first year the school received a score.[3] The average API score of the district that year was 920, an 18-point increase from the year before.[4]

[edit] Attendance

A significant difference between Millennium and Piedmont High School is that to attend PHS, a student must either prove residency in the city of Piedmont or have parents who work for the school district. Millennium is open to local students outside Piedmont, through interdistrict transfer.[5]

Basketball stars Courtney and Ashley Paris are among notable alumni from Millennium.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Piedmont Educational Foundation: Supporting Piedmont Schools since 1975
  2. ^ Educational Approach. Millennium High School. Retrieved on 2007-02-23.
  3. ^ School Academic Performance Index Chart. 2005 Accountability Progress Report. California Department of Education. Retrieved on 2007-05-16.
  4. ^ = Local Educational Agency (LEA) Report. 2004-05 Academic Performance Index (API) Growth Report. California Department of Education. Retrieved on 2007-05-16.
  5. ^ Millennium High School. Berkeley Parents Network (December 26, 2005).

[edit] External links