Talk:Mike Woodin
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Kaihsu 14:13, 2004 Jul 9 (UTC): Press release from the Green Party:
Statement from the Green Party 1400 Friday 9 July 2004
The Green Party announced today that its Principal Speaker, Dr Mike Woodin, died last night in hospital in Oxford, where he had served as a councillor for most of the last decade. He was thirty-eight.
Dr Woodin had been diagnosed with secondary cancer of the lungs last autumn and had been undergoing chemotherapy at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
He had continued to perform Green Party interviews and other work between spells in hospital, but had to play a much smaller role in the recent Euro-elections campaign than his co-Principal Speaker, Caroline Lucas MEP.
Mike Woodin, who was the second candidate in the South East Euro-election after Caroline Lucas, had also recently published a book jointly with the MEP, making the Green case against economic globalisation.
Mike lived in Oxford with his wife Deborah and their two young children. He taught psychology at Balliol College, Oxford. He was one of the first Green Party city councillors elected in England and was Leader of the Green Party Group on Oxford City Council.
Mike had held the party's top post - Principal Speaker, which performs the public and media role undertaken by the leaders of more conventional parties - for six of the last eight years, firstly alongside Jean Lambert before her election as an MEP, then alongside Margaret Wright, and recently with South East MEP Caroline Lucas.
Always close colleagues, their political partnership was extended recently through their work on Green Alternatives to Globalisation: A Manifesto, which was published in April 2004 by Pluto Press. They had signed off the proofs of the book the day before Mike's diagnosis.
Commenting, Caroline Lucas MEP said:
"This news of Mike's cancer came as a terrible shock to the whole party. Mike was one of the outstanding Greens in British politics. He inspired the party over many years, from his pioneering work on Oxford city council to his media appearances with the likes of Jeremy Paxman and John Humphrys.
"Mike was one of the driving forces behind the Green Party's resurgence over the last few years. He played a leading role in making the party the strategically-focused, go-ahead organisation that it is today."
Spencer Fitz-Gibbon, of the party's national executive committee, said: "Mike will be sorely missed as a colleague and a friend, and of course we're all thinking of Deborah and their children.
"But Mike will be celebrated as well as missed. He was a big part of the Green Party and we'll each carry a small part of him with us as we carry on doing what Mike did, which was to work hard to further the cause of sustainability and social justice."
Interviews, comment: contact Green Party press office, 020 7561 0282.
>From Green Party press office. Published and promoted by Spencer Fitz-Gibbon for The Green Party, both at 1a Waterlow Road, London N19 5NJ. 5NJ.
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